These are several news articles that were in a scrapbook of my
mother-in-laws. I hope you find something interesting --
Lions Vote $17 For Prom
A donation of $17 was voted to be given to the Junior Class of the Savanna
Community High School for decorations for the Junior-Senior Prom at the meeting
of the Lions Club held Wednesday evening.
The banquet and prom are set for Friday, May 17.
Fire Breaks Chain for 3 Generations
Cherished thoughts of representatives of three generations having graduated from
the Savanna Community High School in Chicago Avenue, come June, went up in smoke
as the building was destroyed by fire Friday night.
Mrs. Bert Fuller, a 1907 graduate of the school, was saddened by the disaster,
along with the fact that her dream would not now come true.
As Marie Antil she, with graduates of 50 years ago, went forward to receive her
diploma in the school, now a burned out ruin.
Then her son, W. R. Fuller, as a member of the class of 1929, was awarded his
diploma from the school. He returned later to become the music director there.
Fuller's daughter, Miss Julie, is a member of this year's graduating class,
displaced along with the balance of the student body, as the building was
surrendered to the advancing flames.
So, here the chain must break.
Julie's mother Jeanne, also is a Savanna high school graduate.
Public dance, Ballas Hall, Friday, May 3. Sponsored by Ladies Aux, Brotherhood
of R.R. Trainmen. Adm. 50 cents.
Alumni Say Banquet Will Go On June 1
Contrary to rumors that there will be no Alumni Banquet and Dance this year,
because of the fire at the high school, officers of the Savanna Community High
School Alumni Association have announced that the banquet will be held as
scheduled on Saturday, June 1. At 6:30 p.m. in the Avenue School gymnasium.
The dance also will be held with the place to be announced at a later date.
Lists of mailing addresses for members of the Alumni Association have been given
out along with invitations to be sent.
Officers are requesting that these mailings be completed and that any left over
invitations be returned to them.
Plans for the program are nearly completed. Mrs. Chester Morgan's string
ensemble from Clinton, Iowa, will furnish the dinner music for the banquet.
The nominating committee, Mrs. Jack Rielly and Mrs. Jack Cottral, will make a
report on the officers for next year at the banquet and business meeting.
Scrapbook 1948
(under Double Eagle-cruising down the river)
April, Mon. Dept. 12, 1949
A potluck supper was served at 6:30 Monday evening in St. Peter's Lutheran
church parlor at the meeting of the Lydian society. Accordion selections were
played by Jane Hathaway. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Carrie Buck.
Guests at the supper and meeting were the Rev. and Mrs. Roland C. Hilleman and
two daughters, Savanna, and the Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Hillemann of Norwalk, Wis.
Hostess for the Oct. 3 meeting will be Miss Laura Frederick and Miss Alice
Eastern Star
Mississippi chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held its annual Christmas party
Monday night in the Masonic hall. Those persons taking part in the program were
Danny Joe Dunn, Myrna Mace, Julia Fuller, Barbara, Kay, and Mary Ellen Griswold,
Jane Hathaway, Lois Ann Francis, Robert Griswold, Miss Frences Greison, Keith
Thayer, and Miss Martha Jean Castle.
Santa Claus made his appearance and distributed treats to the children and gifts
to the adults. A lunch was served after the program. The tables were decorated
in keeping with the yuletide season. A decorated tree occupied a corner in the
dining hall.
Mrs. Albert Dorak chairman, Mrs. Henry Hartung, and Mrs. Jesse Johns formed the
general committee in charge.
Brentmoor Girl Will Be In Clinton Review
Spring of 1948
Miss Jane Hatheway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Hatheway, living in
Brentmoor, will participate in the annual dancing and gymnastic review of the
Turner club of Clinton, Iowa to be given at 9 p.m. Sunday in the Washington
Junior high school, Clinton. Her parents will attend the event.
Sun. May 2, 1948-----1st recital
Savanna, Ill.-Sunday events in Savanna include the music recital at 2:30 p.m. by
Miss Barbara Thayer in the Community church; a piano recital by pupils of St.
John's music department, at 8 p.m. in St. John's hall, with Sister Mary Pauline,
Order of St. Francis, instructor, and the quarterly conference at 1:30 p.m. in
the Methodist church. Dr. Milton D. Bailey, district superintendent, of
Rockford, will be the speaker
Lutheran Choir Song Selections Set For Sunday
Dec. 12, 1948-age 10
Selections to be sung by the three choirs at the song service at 7:45 P.M.
Sunday in St. Peter's Lutheran church were announced today by Mrs. Gerhard P.
Fischer, director and organist.
Songs listed
The children's choir will sing "We Are the Lambs of Christ's Fold," "Little
Children Come to Jesus," and "Lord Jesus, Bless Our Offering."
Senior choir selections are "Seek Ye the Lord," Roberts, tenor solo by Paul
Swanson; "Bethlehem" Gounod, bass obligato by E. D. Gantert' "Send Out Thy
Light," Gounod; vocal solo "The Lord's Prayer," Mallotte. Mrs. E. D. Gantert;
"The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee," Litkin.
New Robes
New robes of the children's choir are the regulation white cotta style with
white Eton collar and black Windsor tie. The senior choir's new robes are deep
maroon mercerized poplin made with full fluted yoke and pointed sleeves.
A silver tea will be served after the service in the church parlors.
The general public is invited to the song service and tea.
Recital given by the Music Department of Saint John's School
Saint John's Auditorium, Savanna, Illinois, Sunday, April 29th at 8 o'clock,
Up to Date March Ruth Ann Pollack & Mary Ellen McGinn By Geibel
Welcome Address Donald Bristol
My Birthday Dance Martha Lease By Karst
Little Bo-Peep Donald Bristol By Marlhom
Chords on Parade Judy Stevens By Nevin
On a Double Decker Bus Terry Runyan By Richter
The Tumblers Patricia Green Bu Nevin
Loop the Loop Mack Laughrin By Nevin
Dance of the Marionettes Connie Ginie By Crosby-Adams
A Bobolink in May Ann Boussman By Howell
Fairies in the Moonlight Patricia Reagan By Stilwell
A Southern Shuffle Linda Jackson By Black
The Merry Elf Patricia Wolfe By Rebe
Three Blind Mice Katherine Morse By Williams
Boat Song Judith Weidman By Taylor
A Dangerous Journey Kathleen Hussey By Koelling
Turning Hand Springs Lelia Chapin By Thompson
High Jinks Judy Qualman By Lafferty
The Mill in the Black Forest Judith Harmison & Julie Fuller By Eilenberg
Over Hill and Dale Jane Hatheway & Marcella Drier By Englemann
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers Rhythm Band By Jessel-Klickmann
Chit-Chit Margie McGinn By Boykin
Alpine Wedding Festival Julie Fuller By Rebe
After the Ball Helen Haas By Ward
Victory March Judy McDonnell By Stilwell
Water Lilies Mary Kerjci By Wilsons
Allegro Vivace Darlene Cross By Kuhlau
The Little Harp Player Mary Jo Gaffey By Goodrich
Tuesday, May 3, 1949
1st Accordion recital
Jane Hathaway Play In Clinton Recital
Miss Jane Hathaway of Savanna took part in the accordion and piano recital given
Tuesday evening in the Clinton public library auditorium, Clinton, Iowa. Mrs.
Charles A. Evans of Clinton instructor, was in charge.
Miss Hathaway played an accordion selection, "Gypsy Polka." Her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert J. Hathaway of Savanna, attended the recital.
March 10-1949
25 lessons-age 10
Firemen Meet In Savanna
125 Blackhawk Assn. Members Convene
Savanna, Ill.-One hundred twenty-five firemen from Whiteside, Carroll, Ogle, Lee
Stephenson and Winnebago counties attended the Blackhawk Firefighters
association meeting Thursday night in the V. F. W. clubhouse, with the Savanna
firemen as hosts.
L. G. Glens, Chicago, executive director of the Illinois fire protection
districts, was the speaker. He was introduced by Donald Gordon, Sterling,
president of the association.
A program was given by Jane Hathaway, Edfora Shepherd, Thomas Bertoncella, Lee
Ervin and Edward Mielke. An unscheduled feature was the trip of the entire group
to Mt. Carroll where a 90 year old farm house burned to the ground.
Officers will be elected at the next meeting, April 14 in Chadwick.
Savanna W. R. C. Entertains Groups
Nov. 17, 1949-age 11
Savanna, Ill.-Members of the Mt. Carroll and Lanark Women's corps were
entertained Thursday night by the Savanna corps in Lydia T. Byram Community
clubhouse. Following a dinner, a program was presented which included solos,
Jane Hatheway; readings, Joan Noble, Patricia Smith, Mary Beth Anderson and
Virginia Wilcox; vocal solos, Mrs. E. J. Waterman.
Mrs. Cora Dale district president, of Lanark gave a talk. The program was in
charge of Mrs. Charles Ferris and Mrs. Lavie Logan, Mrs. Richard Adams and Mrs.
Jake Engaldo were co-chairman for the banquet.
Savanna Auxiliary Adds New Committee
Wed. Sept. 28-49-age 11
Savanna, Ill.-A new committee was added to the American Legion auxiliary at a
meeting Wednesday night in the Legion home. The new house committee, which will
correspond to the house committee of the Legion post, includes Mrs. L. Machen,
Mrs. J. Loeser, Mrs. Mrarie Hansen, Mrs. E. D. Gantert, Mrs. V. Phifer and Mrs.
C. L. Reese.
Mrs. Lee Homedew, program chairman, introduced Miss Jane Hatheway, who played
piano and accordion solos. Refreshments were served by the September committee,
with Mrs. Joseph Kobbe and Mrs. Roy Gravatt co-chairman. Mrs. Helen Cole of
Morrison, 13th district director, will be a guest at the Oct. 12 meeting.
Crowd Attends Lutheran Choir Service Sunday
St. Peter's Lutheran church was filled to capacity Sunday evening for the song
service featuring celections sung by the robed children's choir, junior choir,
and senior choir of the church with Mrs. Gerhard P. Fischer, director and
New robes were worn for the first time by members of the cildren's choir and the
senior choir.
Silver Tea
More than 150 persons were served at the silver tea in the church parlors after
the service. Mrs. E. D. Gantert and Mrs. Hardin Dinsen poured and other members
of the senior choir served. The church parlors were decorated in keeping with
the hiliday season.
Members of the choirs are:
Children's-Richard Gleich, Billy Ost, Dwight Nicol, Donald Sturtevant, Keith
Sturtevant, Leonard Matz, Buddy Hartman, Billy Judd, Charles Mika, Barbara Mika,
Patricia Wolfe, Joyce Swanson, Jane Hathaway, Linda Moltmann, Judith Moltmann,
Dorothy Fischer, Betty Shelly, Donna Kennedy, Peter Williams, Phyllis Simon,
Julia Hartman, Patricia Rury, Donna Predosa, Jeanine Davis.
Junior Choir
Junior-Joan Haring, Kay Judd, Janice Radke, Gail St. Claire, Carolyn Bailey,
Edward Simon, Melvin Roberts, Jack Niles, Jerry Niles, Eugene Von Essen, Herbert
Bailey, Ronald Albrecht.
Senior-sopranos, Mrs. E. D. Gantert, Mrs. O. C. Schmidt, Mrs. Harry Schueller,
Miss Ruth Fisher, Miss Joan Fischer, Miss Lila Frederick, Miss Lois Haring, Miss
Rita Wolfe, Miss Norma Jean Simon; altos, Mrs. Floyd Bleakley, Mrs. Paul
Steicher, Mrs. Arthur Cush, Mrs. Hardin Dinsen, Mrs. Robert Kautzelmau, Miss
Anna Cush, Miss Velma Haring, Miss Shirley Nicol, Miss Ruth Cush; tenor, Paul
Swanson; basses, Paul Steicher, E. D. Gantert, Robert Cush.
200 Attend Avenue PTA Installation
May 10, 1949-age 10-also 9 yrs before got her on this date
Installation ceremonies, a talk by the county nurse, as style show, a report on
the school lunch program,and musical entertainment highlighted the meeting of
the Avenue Parent-Teacher association held Tuesday night in the Avenue school
auditorium. Nearly 200 persons were in attendance.
Officers Installed
Supt. Harold Mackenzie of the Savanna City schools conducted the installation
cermeonies. Officers installed for the new year are Mrs. Hartzell David,
president; Mrs. George McLennon, vice president; Mrs. T. M. Arbogast, treasurer;
Mrs. Warren Stebbins, historian, Mrs. Clyde Hermna, the outgoing president,
served the past two years.
A talk on tuberculois was given by Miss Margaret Handlin, Mount Carroll, county
nurse, She also showed a motion picture on the subject.
Style Show
The style show, presented by the Avenue junior high school homemaking class, was
well received by the large audience. The show was given under the direction of
Mrs. Carl Zugschwerdt, teacher.
A report on the second year lunch program was given by Mrs. F. U. Strnasky,
supervisor. The report will be given in detail in the Thursday issue of the
Music Program
Jane Hathaway played two accordion solos, "Whispering Hope" and "Gyspy Roundero."
The Novelettes, formerly the Junior Girls' Sextes, sand three numbers,
accompanied by Mrs. John Davidson at the piano. This singing group includes Miss
Adana Homedew, Miss John Noble, Miss Lois Vesely, and Miss Lydia Almquist.
Refreshments were furnished by the kindergarten room mothers. The committee in
charge included Mrs. Carlo DeFranco, Mrs. William Leo Nowak, and Mrs. Vernon
List Program For St. John's Spring Recital
The annual spring recital will be given by pupils of St. John's music department
at 8 p.m. Sunday; May 1, in St. Johns' parish hall.
Sister Mary Servati, music supervisor, announces the program as follows:
"Viennese Waltz,: by Gurlitt, first piano, Mary C Lennon, Mary Haas, second
piano, Mary B Giesler, Marcella Drier:
"Our Flag," by Adler and "Three Little Chickens," by Grant-Schaefer, Terry
Runyan; "Flying to the Moon," by Thompson, Dennis O'Leary; "The Long Trail," by
Thompson, Robert Crisci;
"Waltz of the Little Blue Fairy," by Milligan, Barbara Hansen;
"Stars and Stripes Forever," by Sousa, arr., Katherine Ann Morse;
"Crosspatch,' by Larned, Judy Weidman;
"Jumping Jacks," by Stevens, Linda Lou Jackson
"True Blue Lady," By Schaun, Kathleen Hussey;
"Indian," by Paldi, Pat Tunyan;
"To a Butterfly." By Bentley, Lelis Chapin;
"The Fairy Court," by Thompson, Kay Frances Falls;
"The Train," by Series, Jay Stevens;
"On a Bright Blue Sea," by stevens, Kay Hermann;
"Sails on a Silvery Sea," by Lan, Nancy Kay Hanseb;
"Hunpty Dumpty," by Barth, James Crisci;
"Ice Carnival," by Schaum, John Bouseman;
"Bright Skies," by Thomas, Mary Krejci;
"Memories of Spring," by Anthony, Judy Snyder;
"Ladybird," by Kern, Joanne Lennon;
"On Wings of Song," Mendelssohn, arr., Marcella Dreier;
"Woodland Echoes," by Krentzlin, Julie Fuller;
"Spinning Song," by Elemenreich, Kenneth Ford;
"The Arcobat," by Horvath, Richard Morse;
"March Triumphale," by Ketterer, John Homedew;
"Mocking Eyes," by Anthony, Audrey Stevens;
"Enchanted Island," by Schaum, Mary Haas;
"Salute to the Colors," by Anthony, Mary Carolyn Lennon;
"May Night,: by Ward, Jane Hatheway;
"Aragonise," by Massenet, first piano, Joyce Cronk, second piano, Marne McGrath;
"Bridal Wreath," by Rogers, Marjorie Wilcox;
"On the Lake," by Williams, Joyce Cronk;
"Gopak," by Moussorgsky, Marne McGrath
"Prelude in G. Minor," by Rachmaninoff, Joan Noble;
"Hunting Song," by Mendelssohn, Jack Hussey;
"Impromptu," by Reinhold, Janis Homedew;
"Military Polonaise," by Chopin, Donna Smith;
"I Love Life" by MannaZucca,' by Morley, St. John's school choir.
300 Present At St. John's Piano Recital
2nd recital-May 1-1949
An audience of nearly 300 parents, relatives, and friends were present at the
annual spring piano recital given Sunday night in St. John's parish hall.
The recital was presented by St. John's music department under the direction of
sister Mary Servantia, music supervisor.
All numbers were played from memory by those taking part. The large audience was
appreciative and responded favorably to each selection.
Those taking part were Mary Carolyn Lennon, Mary Haas, Mary Beth Giesler,
Marcella Dreier, Terry Runyan, Dennis O"Leary, Robert Crisci, Barbara Hansen,
katherine Ann Morse, Judy Weidman, Linda Lou Jackson, Kathleen Hussey, Pat
Runyan, Lelia Chapin, Kay Frances Falls, Jay Stevens, Kay Hermann, Nancy Hansen,
James Crisci, John bouseman, Mary Krejci, Judy Snyder, Joanne Lennon, Julie
Fuller, Kenneth Ford, Richard Morse, John Homedew, Audrey Stevens, Jane
Hathaway, Joyce Cronk, Marne McGrath, Joan Noble, Jack Hussey, Donna Smith.
The recital closed with the singing of two selections by the St. John's school
Ushers were Edward Fleege, Dale Giesler, and Robert Fleege. The girls in charge
of tickets were Joan Schmeig, Charlene Durhan, Mary Kampas, and Joanne Lennon.
The girls in charge of the programs were Mary Louise Hansen and Frances
250 Attend Farewell Party for Fischers
April 18, 1949-age 10
A farewell party given Monday evening in the Lydia T. Byram Community clubhouse
for the Rev. and Mrs. Gerhard P. Fischer and three daughters and the Rev. Will
Fischer was attended by more than 250 members of St. Peter's Lutheran church of
Savanna and St. Matthew's Lutheran church of Mosquito Hill.
Program Given
The program included a poeam written by Mrs. Robert Kejeci and read by Mrs. E.
D. Gantert; mixed quartet numbers, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Gantert, Paul B. Swanson,
Mrs. Floyd Bleakley; accordion solos, Judy Moltmann; modeling of Easter bonnets.
Hope circle members; Gay Nineties review, Walter H. Bahwell, Mrs. W. M. Judd,
Mrs. Charles Marth; barber shop quartet, including E. D. Gantert, Paul B.
Swanson, Paul Streichter, Walter H. Bahwell, accompanied by the kitchen band
comprised of Hope circle members; accordion solos, Jane Hathway; song, Grace
circle members.
Gifts Presented
The St. Peter's congregation's gifts were presented to the Rev. Gerhard P.
Fischer and the Rev. William Fischer by E. D. Gantert. The choirs' gifts were
presented to Mrs. Fischer by Paul B. Swanson. The St. Matthew's church gift was
presented to the Rev. Gerhard Fischer by Arthur Haas.
Paul B. Swanson was the master of ceremonies. Mrs. Paul Rury was the program
chairman and Mrs. C. H. Plattenberger the kitchen chairman.
Refreshments of ice cream, cake, and coffee were served after a social period.
Easter lilies were used for decoration.
The Fischer family will soon leave for Helenville, Wis., where they will make
their home. The Rev. Mr. Fischer has accepted the duties as pastor of St.
Peter's Lutheran church at Helenville.
Royal Neighbors Membership Drive Ends; 50 Attend
Oct 27, 1949-age 11 (Eidelweis Glide, Cuckoo Walt, Babara Polka
More than 50 attended the closing meeting of three membership drive of Sunshine
camp. Royal Neighbors of America, held Thursday evening in St. Paul's parish
house. Guests included 12 from Thomson and 15 from Mount Carroll.
A creamed chicken dinner, served at 6:30 p.m. was followed by a meeting and
program which opened with singing of "America' and the lodge code with Mrs.
Edward Vogt at the piano.
Entertainment included recitations, Janice Hoyer; accordion and piano solos,
Jane Hathaway; readings, Mrs. Viola Patton; tap dances, Judy Ost; song and dance
numbers, Savanna Novelettes, with Mrs. John Davidson, piano accompanist.
High score honors in five hundred went to Mrs. Harriett Tiner of Mount Carroll
and in fifty to Mrs. Chester Libberton, Mount Carroll.
Decorations were in keeping with the Halloween season.
Avenue PTA Staff Seated in Office
Age 10 May 16, 1949
Savanna, Ill.-Officers of the Avenue P. t. A. were installed at a meeting held
Tuesday night in the Avenue school. Installation ceremonies were conducted by
Harold Mackenzie, superintendent. Officers are:
Mrs. Hartzel David, president, Mrs. George McLennon, vice-president, Mrs.
William Scott, secretary, Mrs. T. M. Arbogast, treasurer and Mrs. Warren
Stebbins, historian.
Miss Margaret Hardin county health nurse gave a talk on tuberculosis and showed
a moving picture. A style show was presented by the Avenue junior high school
homemaking class under the direction of Mrs. Carl Zugschwerdt. A report on the
school lunch program for the year was given by Mrs. Franklin U. Stransky,
The program also included accordion solos by Miss Jane Hatheway and selections
by the Nolvelttes, accompanied by the piano by Mrs. John Davidson.
Refreshments were served by the kindergarten room mothers, with the committee:
Mrs. Carl DeFranco, Mrs. William Frende, Mrs. Donald Bristol, Mrs. William
Stevens, Mrs. Leo Nowak and Mrs. Vernon Krahn.
Sept. 14, 1949
Dear Jane- we wish to express our sincere "Thanks" to you for the lovely
entertainment at our Lydian Meeting Monday evening. Our guests as well as all
the members enjoyed it very much. We hope to hear you again some time.
Sincerely Lydian Society, St. Peter's Lutheran Church
Royal Neighbors Camp Holds Dinner Party
Age 11 Oct. 27, 1949
Savanna, Ill.-Fifty members attended the dinner party Thursday night for the
Savanna camp of Royal Neighbors. Twelve guests from Thomson and 15 from Mt.
Carroll also attended.
Mrs. Viola Patton, chairman, presented the following program; Recitations,
Janice Hoyer, accordion and piano solos, Jane Hatgeway; reading, Mrs. Patton;
selections, the Novelettes; and tap dance, Judy Ost.
Honors in games went to Mrs. Harriett Tiner and Mrs. Margaret Libberton, both of
Mt. Carroll.
Program of Music Given At Auxiliary
Wed. Sept. 28, 1949, age 11
A musical program of piano solos and accordion numbers was presented by Miss
Jane Hathaway at the meeting of the American Legion auxiliary on Wednesday
evening in the Legion home.
Mrs. Lee Homedew, program chairman, introduced the entertainer and announced her
During the business session, Mrs. C. E. Nowviock, president, appointed a house
committee including Mrs. J. Logan Machen chairman, Mrs. Joseph B. Loeser, Mrs.
Jens C Hansen, Mrs. E. D. Gantert, Mrs. Virgil Phifer, and Mrs. Charles L.
Refreshments were served by the September committee with Mrs. Joseph Kobbe and
Mrs. Roy Gravatt as co-hostesses.
Guest Night will be observed at the next meeting, Oct. 12, in the Legion home.
Mrs. Helen Cole of Morrison, 13th district director, will be the main guest and
will give a talk.
13 Inducted At St. John's Society Party
Dec. 7, 1949 age 11
A magic show, talks, gift exchange, initiations, accordion selections, and
carols highlighted the Christmas party held by the Altar and Rosary society at
St. John's church, Tuesday evening in Forester hall, Savanna.
Father Ryan and Father MacDonald gave talks. Feats of magic were presented by
Thomas Bettoncella. A talk on Japan was given by Miss Mary Louise Leu, and Jane
Hatheway played several accordion selections.
Thirteen new members were received into the group.
Winners at cards were Mrs. Clyde Ench for bridge and Mrs. Henderson for 500.
The arrangement committee included Mrs. E. H. Thompson, Mrs. John Bertoncella,
Mrs. William Clute, Mrs. John Barry, Mrs. Charles McDougall, Mrs. Mary Katherin
Nehrkorn, and Mrs. Lawrence Martinell, chairman.
In charge of decorations were Mrs. Lawrence Morse, Mrs. William Hansen, and Miss
Franced Roling.
Commottee named for the January meeting consists of Mrs. C. L. Reese, Mrs. Jake
Engaldo, Mrs. Jim Keiller, Mrs. J. R. McCarthy, Mrs. Kenneth Bimm, Mrs. Harry
Pastor Feted at Farewell Party
April 18, 1949
Rev. Gerhard Fischer To Leave Savanna
Savanna, Ill.---The Rev. and Mrs. Gerhard P. Fischer and family were guest of
honor at a farewell party held last night in the Lydia t. Byram Community
clubhouse by members of the St. Peter's and St. Matthew's Lutheran churches, if
which Rev. Fischer has been pastor for over 20 years. The Fischer's are leaving
for Helenville, Wis.
Paul S. Swanson was master of ceremonies. The program included an original poem
by Mrs. Robert Krejci, dedicated to the Fischers'; accordion solos by Judy
Moltman and Jane Hatheway, a play by the Home Circle, numbers by the mixed
quartet, composed of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Gantert, Paul Streitcher and Paul
Swanson; the male quartet, Paul Swanson, Paul Streicher, Walter Bahwell and E.
D. Gantert, and selection by the kitchen band.
E. D. Gantert presented a gift to the Fischers' in behalf of the churches and
Paul Swanson presented them with a gift in behalf of the combined choirs.
Refreshments were served.
Three-Family Reunion Held in Sabula Park
A reunion of the Papke, Hatheway and Prusia families was held at the Sabula park
Sunday, June 26. A delicious chicken dinner was enjoyed at noon by sixty-four
members of the families.
The oldest person present was Jasper Hatheway and the youngest was Nancy Papke,
of Miles. Those coming the greatest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Prusia,
Winton, Sheila and Lucy, of Concord, New Hampshire.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Papke and Lola, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Papke and Nancy, of Miles; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jackson, Preston; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Jackson, Larry and David, of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall, Gloria
and Sharon, Andover; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansen, Earl Giddings, Gene and Margaret
Giddings, of Clinton;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dwinnels and sons, John and Kenneth Elizabeth, Ill.; Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Hatheway and Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mace, Wayne and Myrna, Mr.
and Mrs. Perley Hatheway, Robert, Ronald, Leo and Mary, of Savanna, Ill.;
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wise, Bob wise, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wise, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Ters and Velma; Rose, Mima and June Robinson, Arthur Hatheway, Jean and Tommy,
Mrs. Robert Giddings, Robert, Roger, Ronald, Richard and Barbara, of Sabula.
Letters were read from Mrs. Lula Jacobsen, Des Moines, Mrs. Elmer Giddings,
Davenport, N. D., and Mrs. Eunice Hatheway Foster, Stockton, Calif.
The committee appointed to plan the next reunion is composed of Mrs. Earl Mace
and Mrs. Perly Hatheway, of Savanna, Ill.
The afternoon was spent in visiting and several selections were played by Jane
Hatheway on her accordion. Age 10, June 26-1949.
20 Girl Scouts From Savanna At NYA Camp
Sun. July 17, 1949-age 10
Twenty Savanna Girl Scouts are enjoying an outing at the NYA camp at the north
end of the Mississippi Palisades State Park north of Savanna during the first
three days of this week, and 20 other, the older girls, will be at camp during
the last three days.
Mrs. Steve Deisis is in charge of the groups now at the camp assisted by Mr. H.
F. Ramer and also by Miss Janice Homedew and Miss Arla Zink.
The Girl Scouts now at the camp are Kay Griswold, Julia Hartman, Joyce Hunter,
Helen Haas, Marlou Johnson, Jane Hathaway, Willa Jontry, Judy McDonnell, Barbara
O'Neal, Sandra O'Neal, Etta Kallemyn, Viola Kupfer, Gayle McLennon, Velma
Schaeffer, Marcia Scott, Marcia Swift, Jeannine Davis, Kay Hermann, shiela
Rogers and Mary Louise Hansen.
The cooks for Monday were Mrs. Willian Hansen and Mrs. Richard Adams, for today
Mrs. Albert Greison and Mrs. Arthur Weidman, and for Wednesday they will be Mrs.
Lyle Jontry, Mrs. William Scott.
Taking turns as nurses at night are Mrs. Leslie Gundlach and Miss Lucile Kreuder.
The-time nurse is Mrs. James Stathas.
Mrs. Ramer announces that there will be a meeting of the board of directors of
the Savanna Girl Scout council at her home, 128 Fifth street, on Thursday July
125 Firemen Hear Illinois Official Talk
March 3, 1940-age 10
The work, efforts, and methods-utilized in establishing fire districts in
Illinois were discussed by L. H. Glen of Chicago at the Blackhawk Firefighters
association meeting held Thursday evening in the VFW clubhouse.
Mr. Glen, who is executive director of fire-protected districts in Illinois,
also devoted part of his talk to the question of using the fire trucks and
equipment belonging to a fire district to put out automobile and truck fires on
highways outside of the limits of the district.
125 present
More than 125 persons from the six counties in the association were present at
the meeting. Counties in the Blackhawk fire-fighters association are Carroll,
Whiteside, Lee, Ogle, Stephenson, and Winnebago.
The Savanna Firemen's association was host at the meeting which opened at 8 p.m.
Donald Gordon, Sterling, president of the association, presided at the meeting
and introduced the speaker.
Program Listed
Entertainment included accordion numbers, "Whispering Hope; and "Gyspy Polka,"
Jane Hatheway; songs "Take It Back anc Change it for a Boy," "Bouquet of Roses,"
"Aloha," and "Steel Guitar Rag," Miss Eudora Shepherd, who played her own
accompaniment on the Spanish guitar for the first two numbers and the electric
steel guitar for the second two numbers; tricks in magic, Thomas Bertoncella;
and comedy act, Lee Ervin and Edward Mielke, Nels Schmidt, the program chairman
announced the numbers and introduced the entertainers.
A social period followed the program and meeting. Refreshments were served.
Officers for the association will be elected at the meeting to be held April 14
I Chadwick
Savanna Church Groups Elect
To Install Staffs In January Sessions
Dec. 6, 1959-age 11
Savanna, Ill.---Two Savanna church societies have named their 1950 staffs at
recent elections.
Mrs. Lawrence Martinell was elected president of the Altar and Rosary society at
the Christmas party Tuesday night in Forester hall. She will succeed Mrs.
William Clute. Other officers elected are Mrs. Vincent Gaffey, vice-president,
and Mrs. Donald Winkler, secretary-treasurer.
Following the dinner, Mrs. Martinell was in charge of the program, which
included talks by the Rev. Walter J. Ryan and the Rev. Edward McDonald,; magic
tricks by Tom Bertoncella, a talk on Japan by Miss Mary Louise Leu and accordion
numbers by Miss Jane Hatheway.
High honors in cards went to Mrs. W. W. Henderson and Mrs. Clyde Ensch. The
program committee included Mrs. Martinell, Mrs. E. W. Thompson, Mrs. John
Bertoncella, Mrs. Clute Mrs. John Barry, Mrs. Charles McDongall and Mrs. Mary
Kathryn Nehrkorn, Mrs. Lawrence Morse, Mrs. W. G. Hansen and Miss Frances Roling
were on the decorating committee.
Installation of officers will be Jan. 3, with Mrs. C. L. Reese chairman.
Chimes Circle
Wilmer Walters was elected president of the Chimes circles in the Presbyterian
church at a recent meeting. Other officers elected were Miss Norma Norwood,
vice-president, and Mrs. Lois Kahler, secretary. Installation will be at the
first meeting in January.
Plans were made for a Christmas party slated Friday, Dec. 16, 043ceded by a
supper. A flannelgraph will be shown by Julie fuller. There will be a gift
exchange and present for each child present.
Past Officers Night Held By Eastern Star
Oct. 31, 1949-age 11
Past Officers Night, observed by Mississippi chapter, Order of the Eastern Star,
Monday night in the Masonic hall was attended by more than 75 members.
Dinner was served at 6:30 with the long tables and dining room decorated in
keeping with the autumn season.
A meeting following the dinner was held in the chapter room with the stations
filled by past officers.
Those who served in the various offices were Mrs. Lee Hansen, worthy matron; Lee
Hansen, worthy patron; Mrs. Grant Dahl, associate matron; Mrs. Harry Carmichael,
secretary; Roy O. Howe, treasurer; Mrs. H. F. Whitney, conductress; Mrs. William
Dunn, associate conductress; Mrs. charles Wright, chaplain; Mrs. G. H. Cottral,
marshall; Mrs. L. A. Oyster, organist; Mrs. Irving Brown, Adah; Mrs. Harry
Casselberry, Ruth; Mrs. B. F. Fuller, Esther; Mrs. W. E. Whisler, Martha; Mrs.
John Altenbern, Electa; Edward Vogt, warden; William Dunn, flag bearer.
Guests in the east were Mrs. S. B. McCall, Mrs. Grant Dahl, and John L. Brearton.
The soloist was Mrs. Harold G. Evans.
A musical program given after the meeting included piano solo, Miss Mary Lou
Hoffman; accordion selection, Miss Jane Hathawat; and vocal solo, Mrs. Harold G.
Evans, with Mrs. Raymond Phillips, accompanist.
125 Attend Style Show At Wacker
Nov. 30, 1949-age 11
The style show sponsored by the Hickory Grove Homemakers unit of Carroll County
Home Bureau was attended by 125 persons Wednesday night in the Methodist church,
Wacker. Proceeds are to be used for the club'' welfare work.
Models in the show, "The Fashionable Family," were Miss Betty Leavens, Miss
Doris Larsen, Miss Joyce Ginther, Mrs. Wilbert Corbett, Mrs. Harold Buck, Mrs.
Victor Bucholz, Mrs. Merlin Sager, Miss Joyce Christensen, Miss Shirley Neis,
Ruby Jean Corbett, Nancy Becker, Mrs. Lloyd Becker, Miss Barbara Taylor, and
Miss Jean Mace.
Savanna talent on the program included Miss Mary Ann Pollick, piano solo; Miss
Joan Noble, reading; Miss Jane Hathaway, accordion solo and Miss Mary Beth
Anderson, musical reading.
The program was announced by Mrs. Vernon Hashaw and Mrs. Raymond Phillips was
Ushers were Mrs. Vernon Bashaw, Mrs. Jay Stiles, Mrs. Fred Getz, and Mrs. Vorlis
Mrs. Voris Corbett and Mrs. Vernon Bashaw poured tea following the program. The
church was decorated in pine boughs and autumn leaves.
Savanna O. E. S. Has & Yule Party Monday
Dec. 19, 1949-age 11
Savanna, Ill-Mississippi chapter, O. E. S., had its annual Christmas party
Monday night in the Masonic hall, Christmas carols were sung by the group, led
by Mrs. Bert Fuller and accompanied by Mrs. Martin Lantau, Mrs. Lee F. Hansen
and Mrs. Etta B. Stiles were in charge of that program
Those taking part were Barbara Barth, Mary Ellen and Chuckie Griswold, Myrna
Mace, Dorothy and Peggy Phifer, Donna and Mary Lou Predosa, Mickey Milligan,
Jane Hatheway, Mike Bardill and Keith Zigler.
Santa Claus distributed treats. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Earl Mace, Mrs.
James McGuire, Miss Hazel Schmidt, Mrs. George Becker and Mrs. Herbert White.
The next meeting will be Jan. 2.
Blackhawk Fire Assn. Meeting Plans Complete
March 3, 1949-age 10
Arrangements have been completed for the meeting of the Blackhawk Firefighters
association to be held Thursday night in the VFW clubhouse with the Savanna
Firemen's association as host.
L. H. Glens of Chicago, executive director of fire protected districts in
Illinois, will be the guest speaker.
Entertainment will include songs, Miss Eudora shepherd playing her own electric
guitar accompaniment; accordion numbers, Miss Jane Hatheway; comedy act, Lee
Ervin and Edward Mielke; songs, Miss Eudora Shepherd, and tricks in magic,
Thomas Bertoncella.
After the program, a social period will be enjoyed and refreshments served.
Visitors from Whiteside, Lee, Ogle, Stephenson, Winnebago, and Carroll are
Girl Scouts Honored At Yule Party
Dec. 20, 1949
Intermediate Girl Scouts were guests of honor at a Christmas part Tuesday
evening in the parent-teacher room in the basement of the Lincoln school.
The 77 present included 60 girl scouts, 15 adult leaders and committee women,
and two guests.
Proceeding the party groups of girl scouts went caroling to shut-ins.
Entertainment in the parent-teacher room included colored slides on the
"Christmas Story"
By Mrs. H. E. Whitney; cinevision talkies, comedy film, "The night Before
Christmas", and a colored film, "Christmas Story", were shown by William Scott.
A gift exchange and games followed.
The Savanna Girl Scout council presented a recor player to the Savanna Girl
Adorning the refreshment table was a tree foil centerpiece. Troop committee
women serving refreshments were Mrs. Herbert Jahn chairman, Mrs. William H.
Stevens co-chairman, Mrs. Victor Halstead, Mrs. George Collins, Miss Alice Treet,
and Mrs. Vincent Gaffey.
Leaders in charge of the party were Miss Letitia Stanelle, Mrs, William Scott,
Mrs. Gene Kleckier, Mrs. Bernard Long, Mrs. Harry Notlz, Mrs. William Hanson,
and Mrs. Harold Ramer.
Savanna O. E. S. Has Program
Fete Past Officers Monday Evening
Oct. 31, 1940-age 11
Savanna, Ill.---Sixty-five members of the Mississippi chapter, Order of Eastern
Star, were present at past officers' night Monday night in the Masonic hall. A
6:30 dinner preceded the meeting, with Mrs. Emma Isgrig and Mrs. Albert Dorak,
co-chairman, with the officers in charge of the serving.
A program included a vocal solo by Mrs. H. G Evans; piano solos, Miss Mary Lou
Hoffman and accordion solos, Miss Jane Hatheway.
John L. Brearton, a past grand patron; Mrs. Rhea Dahl and Mrs. S. B. McCall were
guests in the east. Mrs. Lee Hansen and Lee Hansen, served as worthy matron and
partron in the east. Other past officers filling chairs were Mrs. Dahl associate
matron; Ray Fields, associate patron; Mrs. Edith Carmichael, secretary; Roy
Howe, Treasurer; Mrs. H. F. Whitney, conductress; Mrs. William Dunn, associate
conductress; Mrs. Charles Wright, chplain; Mrs. G. H. Cottral, marshal; Mrs.
Mina Oyster, organist; Harry Casselberry, Ruth; Mrs. Bert Fuller, Esther; Mrs.
Wayne Whisler, Martha; Mrs. John Altenbern, Electa; Edward Vogt, warder; Henry
Hartung, sentinel, and William Dunn, color bearer.
Officers will be elected Nov. 7.
Class Parties At St. John's School Today
Dec. 20, 1949-age 10
Christmas parties were held this afternoon at 2:30 in the various classrooms in
St. John's parochial school. Gifts were exchanged in each room.
Mothers in charge were Mrs. Lawrence Morse, first and second grades; Mrs. Howard
Buck and Mrs. Kenneth Brown, third and fourth grades; Mrs. William Hansen jr.,
Mrs. Vincent Gaffey, Mrs. Merle Giesler, fifth and sixth grades.
Christmas numbers were played by Jane Hathaway on the piano-accordion at the
fifth and sixth grade party.
The seventh and eighth grades party was held in the Forester hall. Carols were
sung and games were played.
Music, Dancing At community Clubs' Program
Oct. 14, 1949-age 11
A varied program will be given at the annual joint get-together meeting of the
Washington community club and Jacobstown Community club to be held Friday
evening in the Farm Bureau hall, Mount Carroll, according to Mrs. Ed L. Dauphin,
Savanna, program chairman.
The program will include group singing, led by Miss Mary Frey; vocal solo, Miss
Ruth Gillespie; tap dance, Genene and Guylene Neuschwanger; accompanied by Mrs.
Judd Law; vocal solo, Arnold Bernsten; vocal duet, Mrs. John Sauer and Glen Law;
piano solo, Mrs. Judd Law; accordion numbers, Jane Hathaway; motion pictures,
shown by Vern Weidman.
The event will begin with a potluck supper at 6:30. The kitchen committee is
Mrs. Wilbert Law, Mrs. Charles Neuschwanger, Mrs. Lawence Miller, and Mrs.
Ernest Van Dorn.
Dancing will be enjoyed after the program with music furnished by Law's
Pick Models For Wacker Style Show
Nov. 30, 1949-age 11
Models for the style show, "The Fashionable Family", to be presented at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 30, in the Methodist church, Wacker, were announced today by
Mrs. Raymond Phillips, general chairman.
The show is being sponsored by the Hickory Grove Homemakers unit of Carroll
County Home Bureau.
The models selected are: Miss Betty Leavens, Miss Doris Larsen, Miss Joyce
Ginther, Mrs. Wilbert Corbett, Mrs. Harold Buck, Mrs. Victor Burchholz, Mrs.
Merlin Sager, Miss Joyce Christensen, Miss Shirley Neis, Ruby Jean Corbett,
Nancy Becker, Mrs. Lloyd Becker, Mrs. Victor Dauphin and Miss Jean Mace.
The program to be given for Savanna talent will include piano solo, Miss
Patricia Smith; reading, Miss Joan Noble; accordion solos, Miss Jane Hathaway;
musical reading, Miss Mary Beth Anderson.
Mrs. Paul Becker jr. will be the accompanist for the style show.
70 Attend Savanna Girl Scout Party
Mar. 11, 1950-age 11
Seventy persons were present at the city-wide Savanna Girl Scouts party held
Saturday afternoon in the high school gymnasium in observance of the 38th
anniversary of girl scouting.
Those present included 55 Girl Scouts from six troops and 15 leaders. Girl
Scouts were present from Chestnut Park troop 2, Avenue troop 1, Second Class
Badge troop 3, St. John's troop t, Lincoln troop 27, and Senior troop 4.
The afternoon hours were spent in square dancing with Mrs. M. P. Dommers the
Refreshments were prepared and served by the senior Girl Scouts.
Mrs. Charles A. Evans presents her music pupils, Tuesday May 3rd, 1949 at 7:30
P.M. in the Clinton Public Library Auditorium.
The Juggler Thompson Colleen Hoover
Rock-a-bye-Baby Folk Song Maxine Sissing
A Waltz Schubert Shirlee Ann Casberg
Lullaby Brahms Sharon Grossman
On the Lone Prairie Sedlon Donald Johnson (Accordion)
The Detective Schaum Theresa O'Connor
Sylvan Sprites Rowlattom Carmella Ann Forney
Bright Morning Call Rusher Patricia Joan Zastrow
Song of the Swing Light Donna Jean Dermody
La Spagnola Seldon Carleen Gruntorad (Accordion)
Little Spring Song Thompson David Lutz
March of the Wee Folk Gaynor Joyce Ann Hill
Wood Nymphs Frolic Aaron Rosemary Graf
The Joy Ride Light Dolores O'Connor
Fox Hunt Thompson William Pfuderer
Du, Du Folk Song Daniel Wagner (Accordion)
Snow Shoeing Castle Shirley Ann Kunau
Parade of the Cub Scouts Hellard Sharon Schwartz
Ice Carnival Schaum Donna Casberg
Long, Long Ago Bayley Velma Petersen
Maryland, My Maryland Folk Song Helen Mills
Silver Slippers Eckstein Barbara Steudemann
Merry Widow Waltz Lehr Thomas Bomanyack (Accordian)
Cadet Capers Bellstedt Robert McDonald
Country Dance Beethoven Linda Hake
Danube Wages Ivanovici Rosalie Swanson
Sparrows Parade (Duet) Schick Sharon Schwartz
Barbara Steudemann
The Moths Thompson Judith Ryder
Dancing Party Bennett Joan Utroska
Gypsy Polka Sedlon Jane Hathway (Accordon)
Serenade Cp. 134 Schubert Patricia Ann Graf
Up & Down the Mountainside Gwynn Shirley Hart
La donna e Mobile Verdi Wanda Carpenter
Princess Charming Eckstein Margaret McDermott
Oh, De, Golden Slippers Bland Anna Mae Remrey (Accordion)
Jeannie with the light Br. Hair Foster Audrey Shepler
Minuet Beethoven Shirley Marlow
Rustic Dance Howell Gealea Fugate
Village Tavern Polka Spence Harols Fatchett (Accordion)
Autumn Intermezzo Spence Jeannie Galbraith
Flower Fairies (Duet) Foaria Delores Henricksen
Audrey Shepler
Chicken Reel Schaum Thomas Charles Lyons
La Golondrina (Duet) Manoloff Larry Smith
Daniel Wagner
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Liszt Linda Tolmon
Dance of the Sunbeams Codman Carole Ann Smith
Minuet in G Beethoven Delores Henricksen
American Eagle Mosti Jo Ann Wenzel (Accordion)
Edelweiss Glide Waltz Vanderbeck Mary Ann Hake
Flower Song Lange Pricilla Smith
Prelude in C# Minor Rachmaninoff Arthur G. Sttone
Deep Purple De Rose Ruth Fuller
Twelfth Street Rag Bowman Eunice Voss (Accordion)
Hungarian Dance No. 6 Brahms (Duet) Ruth Fuller
Arthur Stone
MAY 1, 1949-EIGHT P.M.
Viennese Waltz Gulitt 1st Piano: Mry C. Lennon, Mary Haas
1nd Piano: Mary B. Giesler, Marcella Drier
Our Flag Adler
Three Little Chickens Grant-Schaefer Terry Runyan
Flying to the Moon Thompson Dennis O'Leary
The Long Ttrail Thompson Robert Crisci
Waltz of the Little Blue Fairy Milligan Barbara Hansen
Stars and Stripes Forever Sousa-arr. Katherine Ann Morse
Crosspatch Larned Judy Weidman
Jumping Jacks Stevens Linda Lou Jackson
True Blue Lady Schaum Kathleen Hussey
Indian Paldi Pat Runyan
To a Butterfly Bentley Lelia Chapin
The Fairy Court Thompson Kay Frances Falls
The Train Series Jay Stevens
On a Bright Blue Sea Stevens Kay Hermann
Sails on a Silvery Sea Lane Nancy Kay Hansen
Humpty Dumpty Barth James Crisci
Ice Carnival Solhaum John Bouseman
Bright Skies Thomas Mary Krejci
Memories of Spring Anthony Judy Snyder
Ladybird Kern Jeanne Lennon
On Wings of Song Mendelssohn-arr. Marcella Drier
Woodland Echoes Krentzlin Julie Fuller
Spinning Song Elmenreich Kenneth Ford
The Acrobat Horvath Richard Morse
March Tripmphale Ketterer John Homedew
Mocking Eyes Anthony Audrey Stevens
Enchanted Island Schaum Mary Haas
Salute to the Colors Anthony Mary Carolyn Lennon
May Night Ward Jane Hathaway
Aragonaise Massenet 1st Piano: Joyce Cronk
2nd Piano: Marne McGrath
Bridal Wreath Rogers Marjory Wilcox
On the Lake Williams Joyce Cronk
Gopak Rachmaninoff Joan Noble
Hunting Song Mendelssohn Jack Hussey
Impromptu Reinhold Janis Homedew
Military Polonaise Chopin Donna Smith
I Love Life Manna-Zucca
Now is the Month of Maying Morley St. John's School Choir
Top of the Morning Scott Jane Hathaway
Marcella Dreier
Flowers for Mother Forest Judy Stevens
Inch-Me and Pinch-Me Arranged Tewsy Runyan
Donkey Party Shaum Paul Mills
Down in the Valley Arranged
Song of the Pines Adair Dianne Heitman
Ducks in the Pond Arant Robert Crisci
The Happy Little Clock Brown Robert Kejci
The Glider Wagnace Maro Colbaugh
Turning Wheels Tibbits Rollyn Jackson
Catch Me if you can Nepson
The Drum Major Stevens Anne Bouseman
In Holland Arant Elaine Charneski
White Sails Lane Charlene Durham
Day Dreams Stevens Helen Haas
At the Wishing Well Tibbits Larry Chapin
The Band Played On Arranged John Keith Bouseman
Jelly Darkies Bechter James Crisci
Ragged Racchel Dunlap
Busy Beavers Stevens Kay Frances Falls
By a Singing Brook Stevens Darlene Cross
My Days have been so Wondrous Free Hopkinson Mary Louise Hansen
Josephine Ramires
Ruth Ann Pollock
Mary Jo Gaffey
Accompanist Nancy Jahn
Hand in Hand Thomas
Hawaiian Love Song Traux Katherine Ann Morse
Humpty Dumpty Shumaker
A Fairy Tale Ketterer Sharon Lynn Steinbach
Rose Petals Lawson Mary Louise Hansen
Sunset Nocturne Read Jeanne Lennon
Peach Blossom Time Hopson Mary Krejci
Night Winds King Linda Lou Jackson
Weeping Willow Adler Judy Snyder
Little Admiral Engelmann Judy Weidman
Little Land Polka O'Donnell
Silver Bells Oberg Kathleen Helen Hussey
Trout in the Brook Fink Patti Wolfe
Maiden's Dream Heins Ruth Ann Pollock
To the Surging Sea Pedeska Marcella Dreier
Dorothy Seymour-Smith Mary Carolyn Lennon
Chacone Roubier Audrey Stevens
Wistaria Eagelmann Julie Fuller
Garden of Roses Rittmer Jane Hathaway
Prelude in G Minor Rashmaninoff Marne McGrath
Fifth Nocturne Leybach Nancy Jahn
Sonata in C Major Mozart-Grieg Piano 1-Marna McGrath
Piano II-Nancy Jahn
Home from School Rehrer
Like as a Father Cherubini
Mother's Day Gray St. John's School Choir
Aug. 17, 1950-age 12
Miss Jane Hathaway of Savanna presented a 15-minute program of accordion music
after the band concert at Lanark Wednesday night. She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Hathaway.
85 Attend E. Savanna Club Event
Dec. 7, 1950
East Savanna Social club observed their 37th anniversary with a gathering
Wednesday night in the VFW clubhouse with 85 members and guests present.
The evening's activities opened with a 6:30 o'clock potluck supper. Adorning the
long tables covered with white paper were lighted red candles in star shaped
glass holders, branches of evergreen, pine cones, poinsettas, colored ornaments
and silver bells.
Mrs. Clude Ehredt club president, opened the program by announcing a song sung
to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne" by the club chorus with Mrs. Judd Law piano
The Program
Program numbers announced by Mrs. C. W. Paschal, included song "Jingle Bells,"
group; accordion numbers, "12th Street Rag" and "Simply Melody." Miss Juanita
Orth; piano solo. "The Flower Song, " Miss Jane Hatheway; reading, "Club
Anniversary," Mrs. Arthur Bogue; piano solos, "Song of the Stars" and "The Fall
of the Swallows," Mrs. Judd Law; accordion numbers, "Patriotic Melody" and
"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," Miss Jane Hatheway; tap dance, Diane and Carol
Bogue, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. William Bogue, who played "Peg O' my
Heart"; reading, Mrs. Viola Patton; accordion numbers, "Johnson Rag" and "Silent
Night," Miss Carolyn Mills.
Two contests under the direction of Mrs. Lawrence Miller were the "Meow Song'
won by the men and "Nursery Rhymes" won by the women.
Mrs. Viola Patton and Mrs. Charles Handel are the only living charter members
and both were present.
Dancing was enjoyed after the program and music was furnished by Glen Law's
Committees for the anniversary event were program, Mrs. C. W. Paschal, Mrs.
George Savage, Mrs. Lawrence Miller; kitchen Mrs. Fred Sattler, Mrs. Howard
Gillespie, Mrs. Charles Handel' decorating, Mrs. J. E. Koecke, Mrs. Glen Law,
and Mrs. Wayne E. Whistler.
Lavish Talent Show Program For Thursday
May 18, 1950-age 11
One of the most lavish and colorful musicals shows ever presented in Savanna
will be held Thursday evening, in the high school auditorium. The event is for
the benefit of the swimming pool fund with Lee Ervin directing.
The event is called the "Talent Revue show."
A host of varied and unusual acts has been engaged by Mr. Ervin. Included are
black face comedians, song and dance teams, arobatic teams, husband and wife
team, vocal soloists, barn dance exhibition, a "German Band', and various
instrumental numbers.
Marvin Schreiner Band
Marvin Schreiner and his orchestra of Chadwick tops the entertainers, most of
whom are residents of nearby cities in Carroll and JoDaviess counties.
Buss Hassett, widely-known program director of station KROS in Clinton, Iowa,
will act as master of ceremonies. Accompanying him from KROS will be Gene Evans,
popular cowboy singer.
One outstanding feature of the program is the tap dance act by five-year-old
twins. They are Guylene and Jeanine Neuschwaner of Mount Carroll.
Programs have been printed for the event and will be distributed by members of
Eta Pi chaper of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. They are Miss Marilyn Miller, Miss
Peggy Smith, Mrs. Gene Bennett, Mrs. Robert McDonnell, Mrs. Robert Miller, and
Miss Emerita Martel.
The complete program follows:
Marvin Schreiner and orchestra; Buzz Hassett, MC; Gene Evans, cowboy singer;
Corinne Livengood, piano accompanist; Jean Miller of Mount Carroll, "Miss
Personality," song and dance' Jane Hathaway of Savanna, accordion selections;
Nancy and Elsie Mielke of Mount Carroll, vocal duet; Giulene and Jenaine
Neuschwanger , tap dance;
"German Band' with James Sampson, Harry Miller, Sylvester Alden, Merith Sager,
Walter Bahwell, Paul Swanson; Janet Schreiner of Chadwick, vocal solo'
Scotch Lassies of Mount Carroll, Sharon Shiley, Carol Preston, Glenda Richer,
Marvin Teeter, Lynne Hartman, Joan Kearneghan.
"Three Rascals from Harlem,"Jack Heath, Charles Mika, Chuck Schroeder, a black
face dance act;
Novelettes of Savanna, Adana Homedew, Janis Homedew, Joan Noble, Lydia Almquist,
Lois Vesley, Arla Zink, arobatic song and dance.
Tommy Tomman of Lanark, member of Schreiner band, drum exhibition; Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Ritenour, "The Dark Ages," a novelty act.
Thank you note-May 12-1950
Just a little thank you" for appearing on our program and giving of your time
and talent.
We appreciated it very much.
Mrs. Church.
47 Pupils In 3 Top Grades At St. John's
1950-age 12
Forty-seven pupils are enrolled in the three upper classes of St. John's
parochial school. Teachers are Sister Mary Silveria, sister superior., eighth
and seventh grades, and Sister May Jeannette, sixth grade.
Names submitted by Sister Mary Silveria are:
Grade eight, Sam Amesquito, James Crisci, Robert Delaney, Robert Fleege, Mary Jo
Gaffey, Mary Louise Hansen, Carol Kuntz, eleanore Lartz, Michael Lennon, Mary
Ellen McGinn, James Miller, Richard Morse, Michael Podolski, Josephine Rameritz,
Stanley Tyler, David Tucibat, Ruth Ann Pollick, James Parker.
Grade seven, Richard Altensey, James Canavan, Joseph Castenando, Geraldine
Cramer, David Fonger, Dale Giesler, Helen Haas, Jane Hathaway, Jack Heitman,
Linda Kuntz, Marvin McBride, Margie McGinn, Jay McCall, Judith McDonell, Jay
Allen O'Leary, Cecelia Parker, Lena Rivera, Sally Ruiz, Carol Salvatore.
Grade six, Lelia Chapin, Kay Francis Falls, Harold Fix, Emelia Juarez, Sam
Kampus, Patrick McMullen, Thmas Mills, Judith Qualman, Jenny Rubio, Joanne
Initiate Four At Women Of Moose Meeting
June 15, 1950-age 11
Initiation ceremonies for a class of four candidates for membership in the
Savanna chapter, Women's Order of Moose, were held Thursday night in the Moose
hall. Nearly 50 members were present.
Membership night was observed with Mrs. Roy King as chairman. The program
included vocal solos by Miss Mary Beth Anderson, with Mrs. Walter Storm as piano
accompanist, and accordion numbers by Miss Jane Hathaway.
Plans were discussed for the installation of officers on Thursday night, June
22. Practice for the ceremonies will be held at 8 p.m. Monday, June 19, in the
Moose hall
Mrs. Donald Nehrkorn was appointed genera chairman for the monthly dinner and
dance to be held Wednesday evening, June 28, in the Moose Hall.
After the meeting and program a social time was held and refreshments served by
Mrs. King and her committee.
Program Given For St. John's Piano Recital
May 7, 1950-age 11-4th grade piece, 3rd recital
Annual spring piano recital will be presented by the pupils in the music
department of St. John's Catholic school at 8 p.m. Sunday in the school
Sister Mary Servatia is music supervisor.
The program follows:
"Top of the Morning", Jane Hathaway, Marcella Drier; "Flowers for Mother", Judy
Stevens; "Inch Me and Pinch Me", "Kitty's Breakfast", Terry Runyan; "Donkey
Party", Paul Mills' "Down in the Valley', "Song of the Pines". Dianne Heitman;
"Ducks in the Pond", Robert Crisci; "The Happy Little Clock," Robert Krejci;
"The Glider", Mare Colebaugh; "Turning Wheels", Rollyn Jackson; "Catch Me If You
Can", "The Drum Major", Anne Bouseman; "In Holland", Elaine Charneski;
"White Sails', Charlene Durham; "Day Dreams", Helen Haas; "At the Wishing Well",
Larry Chapin; "The Band Played On", John Keith Bouseman; "Jolly Darkies", James
Crisci' "Ragged Rachel", "Busy Beavers", Kay Frances Falls;
"By a Singing Brook", Darlene Cross; "My Days have been so Wondrous Free", Mary
Louise Hansen, Josephine Ramirez, Ruth Ann Pollock, Mary Jo Gaffey, Nancy Jahn
accompanist; "Hand in Hand', "Hawaiian Love Song", Katherine Ann Morse; "Humpty
Dumpty", "A Fairy Tale", Sharon Lynn Steinbach;
"Rose Petals", Mary Louise Hansen; "Sunset Notcutne", Joanne Lennon; "Peach
Blssom Time", Mary Krejci; "Night Winds", Linda Lou Jackson
Club Stage Yule Parties
Holiday Season Opens in Savanna
Dec. 7, 1950
Savanna, Ill.---Sixty-four members and guests attended the 37th anniversary
party of the East Savanna Social club last evening in the VFW club house. A
potluck supper was followed by a program which was announced by Mrs. C. W.
Paschal. It included a song by the members with Mrs. Judd Law, piano
accompanist; Christmas carol by the group; accordion numbers by Jane Hatheway
and Mrs. Law; club history written by Mrs. Lottie Gridley of Cicero, a charter
member read by Mrs. Arthur Bogue; introduction of the remaining charter
members,, Mrs. Viola Patton and Mrs. Charles Handel; tap dance, Diane and Carol
Bogue, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. William Bogue; and a reading by Mrs.
Committee included Mrs. Fred Sattler, Mrs. Charles Handel and Mrs. Howard
Gillespie, Mrs. Clyde Ehredt, Mrs. Paschal and Mrs. Lawrence Miller.
About 100 members attended the annual Christmas party Monday evening by Catholic
Daughters of America in the KC council rooms. The program included singing of
Christmas carols, songs by the Girls' chorus of St. John's school and acrobatic
numbers by Becky Hatfield, accompanied by Marcia Newell.
The next meeting will be Jan. 4 in St. John's Forester hall, with Mrs. Kenneth
Canavan as chairman.
Nearly 50 persons attended the Christmas dinner and party given Wednesday night
in St. Paul's parish house by the Ladies Society of the B. of L. F. and E. The
Vacek girls played and sang with Mrs. Joseph Pelikan as accompanist. Cards were
played with honors going to Mrs. J. Doty McGrath, Wiliam Madison, Mrs. Irving
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vogt, Mrs. Herbert White.
300 Attend St. John's Spring Concert
May 7, 1950-age 11
Nearly 300 persons were present at the annual spring concert presented Suday
evening in St. John's parochial school auditorium by the pupils of the music
department under the supervision of Soster Mary Servatia.
Varicolored paper musical notes decorated the stage curtains. Suspended at the
front of the stage were streamers of paper spring flowers. Two large ferns stood
at either end of the stage and baskets of roses adorned a window ledge at the
north and south sides.
Those who took part in the recital follow:
Jane Hathaway, Marcella Drier, Judy Stevens, Terry Runyan, Paul Mills, Dianne
Heitman, Robert Crisci, Robert Krejci. Marc Colbaugh, Rollyn Jackson.
Anne Bouseman, Elaine Charneski, Charlene Durham, Helen Haas, Larry Chapin, John
Keith Bouseman, James Crisci, Kay Frances Falls, Darlene Cross, Katherine Ann
Morse, Sharon Lynn Steinbach;
Mary Louise Hansen, Joanne Lennon, Mary Krejci, Linda Lou Jackson, Judy Snyder,
Judy Weidman. Kathleen Helen Hussey, Patti Wolfe, Ruth Ann Pollock, Mary Carolyn
Lennon, Audrey Stevens, Julie Fuller, Marne McGrath, Nancy Jahn.
Between the first and second parts a song was sung by a girls quartette
including Mary Louise Hansen, Joseph Raminrez, Ruth Ann Pollock, and Mary Jo
At the close of the recital the St. John's school choir sang three numbers.
Crawford Tells Importance Of Individual
Bov. `3, `950-age 12
"The Importance of Being Men" was the subject of Dr. Neil Crawford, formerly of
the faculty of Shimer college in Mount Carroll and now pastor of the First
Presbyterian church in Oregon, who addressed the American Legion's father and
son banquet Monday night in the Legion home.
The speaker was introduced by T. S. Cleworth of Milledgeville, formerly of
Savanna, who acted as master of ceremonies.
Ninety-five persons including members of the Auxiliary in charge of the dinner,
were served at the banquet.
Three Points
Early in his talk Dr. Crawford said that he hoped to make three points, first,
"all men are important," second, "no man is important to all men," and third,
"you and your dad are all important to each other,"
Dwelling at some length on the point that all men are important. Dr. Crawford
urged each young man present to realize that he, himself, is not insignificant.
He told the story of the poor Mexican boy alone in New York City, without funds,
and taken sick. The Mexican lad was ill with pneumonia, in a cheap lodging
house. The ill and friendless lad was nursed to health by a few women from
across the street who, learning of his case, came in and gave their help.
The young man became an admirer of the United States and all the United States
democracy stands for, Dr. Crawford said.
Aid to U. S.
Years later, during World War II the United States was striving to gain the
support of the Latin American countries, so that adequate protection could be
built up against possible invasion by Germany from Africa along the north of
south America. It was due greatly to the efforts of the secretary of state of
Mexico, who made personal visits by plane to the countries of South America,
that the South American nations took action with the United States. Ezekiel
Padilla, the secretary of state of Mexico, had been the poor Mexican boy ill in
New York City., who was befriended by a few women.
"Nobody knows when an act of neighborly kindness will have a world-shattering
effect," Dr. Crawford said.
Then he told of the sentry under Montcalm who left his post and got drunk
resulting in the loss of the French hold in North America, perhaps influencing
the whole development of our North American civilization.
After sdvising the young men present at the meeting against living in a world of
their own importance-in their own minds-Dr. Crawford argued the importance of
the young mand and his dad to each other.
Accordion Numbers
The program opened with Miss Jane Hathaway playing three accordion numbers, "Patrotic
Medley", "Simple Melody", and "Good Night Irene".
Barber Quartet
Several selections were presented by the Old Mill chapter's barbershop quartet
composed of Sylvester W. Alden, Savanna, bass, and Chick Engles, tenor, John
Diehl, lead, and Joe Engels, baritone, all of Lanark. The numbers sung were
"Hello to Everybody", "Coney Island Baby", "Kentucky Babe", and "Moon Indigo".
Preceding the serving of the dinner the group sang the first verse of "America"
and Mr. Cleworth gave the blessing.
Baked Ham Supper
A supper was served at 6:30 to 95 persons by members of the American Legion
auxiliary unit.
The menu included baked ham, buttered whipped potatoes, scalloped corn, cabbage
salad, cranberry relish, strawberry preserves, sweet pickles, hot buttered
rolls, ice cream and wafers, and coffee.
Mrs. Logan Machen was the kitchen chairman. The food committee was Mrs. Ralph
Hanson, Mrs. Clyde E. Kinney, Mrs. E. D. Gantert, Mrs. Everald Foltz, Mrs.Arden
Saforek, Mrs. G. H. Collingwood and Mrs. Ben Rogers. The dishes committee was
Mrs. Spurgeon Harter, Mrs. Roy Church, Mrs. Earl Mace and Mrs. Wesley Mumford.
Mrs. Harold G. Evans was the ------------------
Feb. 6, 1950
CDA-Played in Forrester Hall-Mrs. Custer presented spoon pin to Jane ( card)
Note-Thanks for the nice musical numbers. It was very nice o f you to come.
The CDA wishes to thank you in some way so we are presenting you with this pin
for your sweater or blouse. Thanks again.
Sabula P. T. A. To Convene Thursday
1950-age 12
Sabula-The Sabula P.T.A. will meet in the high school assembly room tonight. The
speaker for the evening will be Allen Lowell, representative of the Iowa
department of public safety. Lowell will also address the students during the
afternoon and will show films.
Also on the program will be Nancy Ann Ridenour,. Clinton and Jane Hatheway,
Name Leaders Of Milwaukee Woman's Club
Feb. 13, 1950-age 11-green jumper dress
Committee chairman for the Milwaukee Women's club were appointed and announced
by Mrs. Charles Bertholf, president, at a regular meeting, held Monday night in
the Lydia T Byram Community clubhouse.
Those appointed are Mrs. Genevieve Martin, Membership; Mrs. Steve Deisis,
welfare; Mrs. Hal smith sr., publicity; Mrs. Harry Brennan, sunshine; Mrs. Irvin
Shrake, program, Mrs. Carles Ferris, hostesses.
Plans were made for the meeting to be held March 12 when the retired employes
and their wives and members and families will be entertained.
The meeting will begin with a 6:30 potluck supper and will be followed by a
program and social time, Mrs. William Doherty was appointed general chairman for
this meeting.
A program arranged by Mrs. Irvin Shrake and presented at last night's meeting
included piano solo, Terry Joe Runyan, accordion solos, Jane Hathaway; reading,
Herman Roling, and vocal solo, Arnold Berntsen, accompanied by Mrs. Raymond
Honors went to Mrs. Chester C Smith in fifty, in bridge to Mrs. Ray Maynard and
in five hundred to Mrs. Jesse Brock. The door prize went to Mrs. Jesus Cruz.
During the business session a sum of $5 was donated to the polio fund drive.
Hostesses for the Monday night meeting were Mrs. Harry Williams, Mrs. Harry
Krahn, Mrs. Otis A Croghan, Mrs. James Mosher, Mrs. Harry Schueller and Mrs. J A
Washington PTA Has Crowd for Program
Jan. 6, 1950
Savanna, Ill-A capacity crowd attended the Washington P.T.A. meeting Friday
night in the school. Mrs. Grace Middleton read the president's message. The
program included music by Miss Jane Hatheway, June Grimm and Mrs. Palmer
A potluck supper will be served at the next meeting, Feb. 3, when Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Mielke will be honored. The family plans to move to a farm near Hanover,
next month.
Mt. Carroll fir buys Savanna Store
Savanna, Ill.-The Adams and Martin corporation has purchased the Federated store
in Savanna and plans a formal opening in several weeks, according to John Adams
of Mt. Carroll, president. Lyle J. Boyd is the former proprietor. Frank Dabron
of Oak Park, new manager, and Mrs. Dabron will move to Savanna.
Adams has been the proprietor of the Adams and Martin store in Mt. Carroll for
about 12 years and the Savanna store will be affliated with the Mt. Carroll
store and similar stores in Oregon and sycamorre.
Savanna OES Maps Members' Night Plans
Savanna, Ill-Mrs. Vera Dorak, worthy matron of Mississippi chapter, O. E. S.
announces that members night will be observed Jan. 18 in Masonic hall. A potluck
supper will be served at 6 p.m. followed at 8 p.m. by a stated meeting.
The committee will include Mrs. Elsie Mace, Mrs. Merrie Koecke, Mrs. Rita White,
Mrs. Ada smith, Mrs. Dorothy Eader, Mrs. Anna McGuire, Miss Hazel Scchmidt and
Mrs. Sadie Becker. A school of instruction for the chapter will be held at 2
p.m. Jan. 15 when Mrs. S. B. McCall, in charge. There also will be an evening
Jacobstown Club Sets Program for Friday
Fri. Jan. 13, 1950
Savanna, Ill.-the Jacobstown Community club will meet at 8 p.m. Friday, in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gillogly. Mr. and Mrs. H. P Greison will give talks
and show pictures of their trip to Denmark. Program also includes music by Miss
Jane Hatheway and a skit by Ruth Gillespie and Hannah Page.
Legion Stages Annual Banquet
Dr. Neil Crawford is Father-Son Speaker
Nov 13, 1950-age 12
Savanna, Ill.-Dr. Neil Crawford, now of Oregon, was the speaker at the annual
father-son banquet held by the Van Bibber-Hansen American Legion post Monday
night in the Legion home. T. S. Cleworth of Milledgevill was master of
The program included accordion solos by Miss Jane Hatheway and selection by the
barber shop quartet. Mrs. Logan Machen and Mrs. H. G. Evans were co-chairman for
the meal. J. Logan Machen was chairman of the general committee. About 75 were
Mrs. charles Winkey, rehabilitation chairman of the Legion auxxiliary, is in
charge of aproject which includes disposition of veterans' craft articles. She
may be contacted each afternoon at the Swanson building on Main street.
50 Attend Wa-Tan-Ye Club Meet
Mon. Feb. 27, 1950-Melody of Love-May Night
Fifty members and guests were present at a meeting of the Wa-Tan-Ye club held
Monday evening at 6:15 in the Methodist church parlors. Senior girls of Savanna
high school were guests.
Each member of the Wa-Tan-Ye introduced a senior girl. Group singing was led by
Mrs. Maude DeMos between dinner and the program
Entertainment included two piano and two accordion selection by Miss Jan
Hathaway. A talk was given on their trip to Denmark by Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
Next meeting of the club will be at 6:15 in the green room of the Radke hotel on
March 13. It will be a formal event with installation of officers highlighting
the occasion.
Sept. 29, 1950-Patriotic Melody-Johnson Rag-Whispering Hope
Miss Jane Hathaway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hathaway living in Oak Park,
appeared on a program presented Friday night in the Derinda Center Community
hall. She played accordion selections.
Women of the Moose Slate Chapter Nigh
June 15, 1950-age 11
Savanna, Ill-Mrs. Roy King, membership chairman, will observe her chapter night
at the Women of the Moose meeting at 8 p.m., Thursday in Moose hall. A class of
candidates will be initiated in formal ceremonies.
The program will include accordion solos by Miss Jane Hatheway and a reading by
Miss Mary Beth Anderson. The members of Freeport chapter will be guests.
Refreshments will be served by Mrs. King, Mrs. J. Roy Soltow, Mrs. Joe Alen,
Mrs. Libern Lichtenberger, Mrs. Jacob LaKaff, Mrs. Frank Croffoot, Mrs. Lawrence
C. Smith, Mrs. albert Elliott, Mrs. Alphonse Thill and Mrs. Mary Harding.
Wa-Tan-Ye Has Program for Seniors
Feb. 27, 1950-age 11
Savanna, Ill.-Fifty members and guests attended the dinner meeting of the Wa-Tan-Ye
Club Monday night in the Methodist church parlors. Senior girls of the Savanna
township high school were guests. Each Wa-Tan-Ye member introduced a senior
girl. The Ruth circle of the church prepared and served the meal.
The program included group singing led by Mrs. Maude DeMos, piano and accordion
solos by Jane Hatheway, and an illustration talk on their trip to Denmark and
Sweden by Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Greison.
Installation of officers will be held March 13 in the Green room of the Radke
Oct. 12, 1950-age 12
Miss Jane Hathaway played accordion number at the meeting of the Sabula
Parent-Teacher association held Thur. Evening in the Sabula grade school. She is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Hathaway, living in East Savanna.
Eta Pi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Presents THE TALEN REVIEW OF 1950
Savanna High School auditorium Thursday, May 18
Accompanist: Corrine Livengood
Admission: Adults 76c Children 25c (Including Tax)
Curtain 8 P.M.
Lee Ervin of Savanna-Director
Buzz Hassett, program director of Station KROS, Clinton, Iowa, Master of
Special Committee of Eta Pi members of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority
Miss Marilyn Miller, Mrs. Gene Bennett, Mrs. Robert McDonnell, Mrs. Miller, Miss
Emerita Martel.
Marvin Schreiner of Chadwick and his orchestra
Jean Miller of Mt. Carroll "Miss Personality-Song and Dance
Jane Hathaway of Savanna----Accordion Selections
Nancy and Elsie Mielke of Mt. Carroll------Vocal Selections
Scotch Lassies of Mt. Carroll---Novelty Act
Carol Preston, Sharon Shiley, Glenda Richter, Marcia Teeter, Janet Miller, Lynne
Hartman, Joan Kearneghan
Duylene and Jeanine Neuschwanter, twins of Mt. Carroll-Tap Dance
German Band---Comedy Act
James Sampson, Harry Miller, Sylvester Alden, Merlin Sager, Walter Bahwell, Paul
"Three Rascals from Harlem", Jack Heath, Charles Mika. Chuck Schroeder-Black
Face Dance Act
Janet Schreiner of Chadwick-Vocal Solo; accompanied by Corinne Livengood at the
Novelettes of Savanna-Song and Dance
Jane Noble, Janis Homedew, Lois Vesely, Lydia Almquist, Arla Zink
Gene Evans of Clinton, popular cowboy singer of station KROS
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ritenour of Mt. Carroll, "The Dark Ages"-Black Face Novelty
Tommy Tomman of Lanark (orchestra member), Drum Exhibition
Harold Yochem and his Barn Dance Nine to give exhibition,
Corrine Livengood, accompanist for the acts.
Excelsior PTA Meets Friday for Program
March 10, 1950
Savanna, Ill.-The program presented at the Excelsior P.T.A. meeting Friday
evening included vocal solos by Miss Ida Mae Lammers, piano and accordion solos
by Miss Jane Hatheway and group singing led by Mrs. Palmer Dauphin, accompanied
by Miss Marily Mielke, Mrs. Fred Ernst and Mrs. John Brietbach were in charge of
the program
Mrs. James Thulen and Mrs. Palmer Dauphin were appointed program chairman for
the next
Meeting April 7.
Community Club Of Jacobstown To Hear Talk
Sav. Paper, Jan. 13, 1950
A travel talk, illustrated with slides, on their trip to Denmark will be given
by Mr. and Mrs. H, P. Greison at the meeting of the Jacobstown Community club to
be held Friday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gillogly in north Main
Other entertainment will be accordion numbers by Jane Hathway, and a skit by
Miss Ruth Gillespie and Mrs. Roy Page.
The meeting is scheduled for 8 p.m.
After the program a social time will be enjoyed and refreshments will be served.
Program To Be Presented By Excelsior PTA
March 10, 1950
A program of vocal and instrumental numbers will be presented at the meeting of
the Excelsior Parent-Teacher association to be held at 8 p. m. Friday in the
Excelsior school house just east of Savanna.
Entertaiment will include vocal voices by Miss Ida Mae Lammers, piano and
accordion numbers by Miss Jane Hathaway, and vocal numbers by Dick James.
Roll call will be answered with a short poem. Mrs. Charles Dauphin and Mrs.
Grace Middleton.
78 Attend Navy Mothers Program
Nov. 10, 1950-age 12
Seventy-eight members and guests were present at the autumn tea and program
given Friday night in the American Legion home by the Savanna Navy Mothers club.
Rev. Benjamin Heideman, pastor, of the First Presbyterian church, spoke on
The program opened with a silent prayer for those who died in service of their
country and for the boys in Korea, and the son "America, the Beautiful" was sung
by the group.
78 Attend
Numbers on the program were piano duet, Janet Boyle and Karen Nies; tap dances,
Cheryl Thompson, Martha Hartman, and Carol Beier with Mrs. John Davidson,
accompanist; poems, Mrs. Viola Patton; accordion solo, Miss Jane Hathaway; piano
solo, Mildred Halstead; acrobatic numbers, Becky Hatfield, Judy Weidman; vocal
solo, Miss Ida Mae Lammers, with Miss Mary Frey, accompanist; tap dances, Jill
Hess and Jusy Ost, with Miss Davidson accompanist; instrumental duet, Mrs. Judd
Law, piano, and glen Law, saxophone; piano solo, Miss Lois Hammen; Hawaiian
guitar selections, Sharon Vacek, Arvilla Kellar, Gary Smith, Erma Brunner;
national anthem, group; and prayer, Rev. Heideman.
From Freeport
Out-of-town guests from Freeport were Mrs. Alice Dier, national color bearer,
who gave a short talk on child welfare; Mrs. Guy Swatzky, commander of Freeport,
Navy Mothers club; Mrs. Harry Dier, Fred Wachler. Mrs. L. W. Sikkema, program
chairman, announced each number.
Proceeds of $36 from the tea will be used for welfare work by the club.
Centerpiece for the serving table was a bouquet of yellow and purple
chrysanthemums, a gift from the Savanna greenhouse.
May 10, 1950-age 11
Mrs. George Polhill entertained the Mississippi unit, Home Bureau, Tuesday. The
next session will be a joint meeting with the Palisades unit in June.
Mrs. Lee Daley has returned from Franklin Grove where she was called because of
the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Mae Brown.
Meetings scheduled for Monday include father-daughter banquet in the Methodist
church, by Men's Brotherhood; Dance recital, Lincoln school; O. e. S.
initiation, American Legion initiation and movies and Odd Fellows' regular
Mr. and Mrs. James Crisci and family are spending the weekend in Chicago.
Dolores Deyo of Oregon is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Marjorie Pfeiffer.
Miss Hazel Dauphin , a bride-elect, was guest of honor at a shower party
Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. James Kelley with Mrs. Ella Orton assisting
hostess. Honors in fifty went to Mrs Cora Schindler, and Mrs. Glenn Bonjour.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Casselberry are parents of a daughter, Terese Ann, born
Tuesday in the Sterling public hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Casselberry have returned after a western trip.
Neighborly Welfare club met Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Gustave Schmidt near
Mt. Carroll. A Mother's day program was presented by Mrs. Paul Daehler, Mrs. Max
Carbaugh, Mrs. E. L. Dauphin and Mrs. Viola Patton. Mrs. Dauphin will be the
next hostess.
Thirty-five members and guests attended the family potluck supper Wednesday
night in the Methodist church parlors given the Naomi circle. Mrs. I. S.
Williams, Milwaukee, Wis., a former president of the circle, was guest speaker.
Others taking part were Miss Jane Hatheway, Viola Patton and Mrs. J. C.
Miss Patricia Warren, Savanna high school student, presented a program of
electric guitar numbers at the Milwaukee Woman's club meeting Monday night in
the Byram clubhouse. Honors in games went to Mrs. Glen white, Mrs. Jesus Cruz
and Mrs. H. J. Thayer. The committee in charge included
Homemakers To Honor Wacker 4-H'ers Tonight
April 14, 1950-age 11
A program of varied numbers will be presented at 7:30 tonight in the Chestnut
Park school auditorium in honor of the girls and leaders of the Wacker 4-H club
and their mothers. The event is sponsored by Hickory Grove Homemakers unit of
Carroll Count Home bureau.
Mrs. Vernon Bashaw, unit chairman, will welcome and introduce the guests. Group
singing will be under the direction of Mrs. E. J. Waterman and Mrs. Bashaw at
the piano.
Entertainment will include accordion solo, Jane Hathaway' remarks, Mrs. Earl
Nies, 4-H leader; number , Savanna Novelettes; pantomine, Miss Barbara Ann Barth;
tap dance, Miss Joan Noble and Miss Adana Homedew; address, Miss Dorothy Footitt,
home advisor; Mount Carroll number, Savanna Novelettes.
Chairman for the event are Mrs. Lloyd Becker, program; Mrs. Frederick Getz,
decorating; Mrs. Webster Williams, Refreshments; Mrs. Voris Corbett, invitation.
Savanna C. D. A. Plans Program Monday Night
Feb. 6, 1950-age 11
Savanna, Ill-Fr. Antl Count, Catholic Daughters of America will meet at 8 p.m.
Monday in St. John's Forester hall. Mrs. George Morden of Clinton, Iowa, will
review a book and Miss Jane Hatheway will play several accordion selections.
Hostesses are Mrs. Lawrence Martinell, Mr. R. K. Wiley, Mrs. H. L. Sterling,
Mrs. R. M. Delp, Mrs. M. P. Schaefhauer, Mrs. Genevieve Martin, Mrs. Earl
Davidson, Mrs. Robert Kelsey and Miss Lorene Hall.
Teachers Conduct Panel Discussion
Nov. 28, 1950-age 12
Savanna, Ill.-Mrs. Dorothy Miller, Miss Priscilla Schoen, Mrs. John Ross, Miss
Dorothy Johnson and Bernard Long, teachers in the Avenue school, gave a panel
discussion on "Ways We Can Be Helped By Parents" at the P. T. A. meeting held in
the school last night. Miss Jane Hawtheway played accordion selections. Mrs.
William D. Scott, president, presided.
Hostesses were sixth grade room mothers with the committee including Mrs. Archie
Schafer, Mrs. Richard Jackson and Mrs. Lawrence Law. The December meeting has
been cancelled with the next meeting to be Jan. 16.
Girl Scouts and leaders of troop 5 were entertained at a Halloween party Monday
night in the north Fifth street home of Mr. and Mars. Georgg McGinn. Decorations
were in keeping with the season. The first part of the evening was spent in a
scavenger hunt. Entertainment in the home was a tap dance by Judy McDonnell and
accordion numbers by Jane Hathaway. Refreshments were served.