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From the Herald and Torch Light, Hagerstown, MD 22 Mar 1894
Well-Know People Die at a Ripe Old Age
The Debt of Nature is Paid.
Former Residens of the County Pass Away in Far Off Illinois.
On Wednesday, March 14, at 6:30 a.m. Joseph M. Wherritt died at his residence in
Mt. Carroll, Illinois of softening of the brain, in his seventy-seventh year.
Mr. Wherritt was born at Boonsboro, this county, August 8, 1817, where he
resided until he was about twenty seven years old. He then went to Mt. Carroll,
where he arrived in May, 1846. In 1847 he entered into co-partnership in the
tailoring business with Geo. W. Moore, which continued over forty years. On the
17th of August, 1837 (? could be 87 or 57) Mr. Wherritt was married to Caroline
Flook, in Maryland, who survives him. Six children were born to them during that
marriage, two of whom survive: George M. and Joseph M. who reside in Mt.
Carroll. The deceased has held the offices of township collector and sheriff of
Carroll county, to which office he was elected in 1861. He also served as
sheriff uner his successor, Geo. L. Graves. Mr. Wherritt was a member of the M.
E. church since 1850. He was a quiet and peaceable citizen. The deceased was a
large man physically and of a commanding appearance. For the last three years he
had retired from active business pursuits. He was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery,
at Mt. Carroll.