More articles from mother-in-laws scrapbooks. Newspapers are unknown.
Notes Chapter Night in Savanna
Women of the Moose Initiates Candidates
June 15, 1950-age 11-Johnson Rag-5 ft 2-Missouri Waltz
Savanna, Ill.-A class of four candidates was initiated by the Women of the Moose
Thursday night in Moose hall, when Mrs. Roy King, membership chairman, observed
her chapter night. The program included accordion solos by Miss Jane Hatheway
and readings by Miss Mary Beth Anderson.
Formal initiation ceremonies were conducted by Mrs. Louis Hartman, guide, Mrs.
Herman Predoss, senior regent, with Mrs. Walter Storm, pianist. Forty-five
members were present.
During the business session, it was decided to serve the Lions club supper in
July. Mrs. Donald Nehrkorn will be chairman of the monthly supper of the Savanna
lodge, Loyal Order of Moose. June 28, Donation were made to the House of God at
Mooseheart. The charter was draped for the late Mrs. Anna Jensen.
There will be practice for installation at * p.m. Monday and installation
ceremonies will be held next Thursday night, with a potluck supper preceding at
6 p.m. Refreshments were served by Mrs. King and her committee.
Court Fr. Antl Hears Program Book review
Feb. 6, 1950-age 11
Mrs. George Morden of Clinton, Ia., reviewed the book "Cheaper by the Dozen," at
a meeting of Court Father Antl. Catholic Daughters of America, Monday evening in
Forester hall, at which 50 members and guests were present.
Miss Jane Hathawath of Savanna entertained on the accordion with "Missouri
Waltz', "Barber Polka", and "Whispering Hope."
Following the program a lunch was served by the social committee which included
Mrs. Lawrence Martinell chairman, Mrs. R. K. Wiley, Mrs. H. L. Sterling, Miss
Lucille Sterling, Mrs. Richard Delp, Mrs. M. P. Schafenbauer, Mrs. Genevieve
Martin, Mrs. Earl Davidson, Mrs. Robert Kelsey, and Miss Lorine Hall
Next meeting of the group will be held March 6.
St. John's Altar Society Presents Show
May 2, 1950
A program of musical numbers, tap dancing and playlet was presented Tuesday
night in the Forester hall at the meeting of the Altar and Rosary society of St.
John's Catholic church.
The entertainment included accordion numbers by Jane Hathaway, tap dance by Judy
McDonnell and Barbara Brinkman, and a playlet, "Ladies of the Mop," by Miss
Patricia Chapin, Miss Patricia Smith, Miss Carole Alexander, and Miss Nancy
Make-up for those taking part in the playlet was in charge of Miss Janis Homedew.
Mrs. Leslie R. Chapin was in charge of the program.
Plans were made for a bake sale to be held May 20.
Hostesses were Mrs. Harry Curpen, Mrs. Ella Coats, Mrs. Michael Delaney, Mrs.
William Dreier, Mrs. Raymond Duhigg, Mrs. Elizabeth Dyer, and Mrs. Jake Engaldo.
Ready For 100 At Father-Son Event Tonight
Nov. 13, 1950-age 12
Preparations are being made today in the American Legion house in the American
Legion home to serve 100 at the Legion's annual father and son banquet tonight.
A ham supper will be served at 6:30 by a committee of Auxiliary members, with
Mrs. Harold G. Evans as dining room chairman and Mrs. J. Logan Machen as kitchen
The long tables will be covered with white and decorated with with streamers of
yellow and green crepe paper. Centering the speakers table will be a copper bowl
of ivy.
Dr. Neil Crawford, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oregon, a former
member of Shimer college faculty of Mount Carroll, will be the speaker. T. S.
Cleworth of Milledgeville will be master of ceremonies.
Entertainment will include selection by the Savanna Barbershop quartet,
accordion numbers by Moss Jane Hathaway, and group singing.
Committee in charge of arrangements is J Logan Machen, chairman, Chalres L.
Reese, E. D. Gantert, Edgar Harry, Albert M, Greison, and D. Dwight Bowman.
Chapter of Eastern Star holds party
Annual Christmas party of Mississippi chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, held
Monday nigh in the Masonic hall was attended by nearly 100 persons. The hall was
decorated in keeping with the Christmas season.
Those taking part in the program were Miss Barbara Ann Barth, Mary Ellen
Griswold, Charles Griswold, Myrna Mace, Miss Peggy Phifer, Miss Dorothy Phifer,
Mary Lou Preston, Donna Predosa, Michele Milligan, Miss Jane Hathaway, Michael
Bardill. And Keith Zigler.
Group singing under the leadership of Mrs. Bert E. Fuller opened the program.
Mrs. Lee Hansen and Mrs. Etta B. Stiles arranged the program. Mrs. Hansen
announced the number.
Refreshments were served by a committee including Mrs. Earl Mace, Miss Hazel L.
Schmidt, Mrs. James McGuire, Mrs. George Becker, and Mrs. Herbert White.
Program Given For St. John's Piano Recital
Continued from page one
"Weeping Willow", Judy Snyder; "Little Admiral", Judy Weidman; "Little Lamb
Polka", "Silver Belle", Kathleen Helen Hussey, " "Trout in the Brook", Patti
Wolfe;" Maiden's Dream", Ruth Ann Pollock; "To the Surging Seas", Marcelia
Dreier; "Dorothy", Mary Caroly Lannon; "Chacone", Audrey Stevens; "Wistaria",
Julie Fuller; "Garden of Roses", Jane Hathaway;
Prelude in g Minor, Marne McGrath; Fifth Nocturne, Nancy Jahn; "Sonata in C
Major", piano I, Marne McGrath, piano II, Nancy Jahn; "Home from School", "Like
as a Father", "Mother's Day", St. John's school choir.
Senior Girls To Be Guests Of Wa-Tan-Ye
Jomn. Feb. 27, 1950-Jane age 11
Young women of the senior class of Savanna Township high school will be the
guests of the Wa-tan-ye club at their dinner meeting at 6:15 Monday evening,
Feb. 27, in the First Methodist church parlors.
Featuring the program will be the illustrated talk on Denmark by Mr. and Mrs. H.
P. Greison of Savanna who visited there during the past summer.
Other entertainment will include piano and accordion numbers by Miss Jane
Hathaway and group singing.
A business session will precede the meeting with Miss Bessie McNutt presiding.
News In Brief
1950-age 11
Mrs. Helen Stark of LaGrange is visiting friends in Savanna.
Earl Solt, a medical patient in the Savanna City hospital, was dismissed today.
Mrs. Mark Clarkson and infant sone of Hanover were dismissed this afternoon from
the Savanna City hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. William Spix and daughter, Nancy Lee, of San Diego, Calif., who are
on a motor vacation trip to central and eastern points, stopped in Savanna and
spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Snyder. The left this morning fro Toledo,
Mrs. Russell Hitchcock and daughter, Betty Truninger, left Wednesda y for their
home in Louisville, Ky., after a visit with relatives and friends.
Donald Meyers of Sabula, Iowa, admitted Wednesday evening to the Savanna City
hospital, was dismissed today. He received injuries in an accident.
Miss Jane Hathaway of Savanna presented a 15-minute program; of accordion music
after the band concert at Lanark Wednesday night. She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Hathaway.
Mrs. Merle Frederick and infant son were dismissed this morning from the Savanna
City Hospital.
Bioligist Speaks at Woman's Club Meeting
Oct. 20, 1950-age 12
Savanna, Ill.-Miss Nancy E. Worsham, biologist of Springfield, was the guest
speaker at the Savanna Woman's club meeting Friday in the north room of the
library. She spoke on "Conservation of Timber Soil, Water and Wild Life" and
showed colored slides with sound audition. Miss Jane Hatheway played accordion
Mrs. L. B. Mellem announced the program. Mention was made the Culture club will
meet Thursday with Mrs. Otto Wacker. Tag day will be held Nov. 13 for public
health and welfare, with Mrs. John Titmas chairman. The next meeting will be
Nov. 3 with Mrs. Ray Drake, art chairman, in charge.
45 Persons At Avenue PTA Meeting
1950 Fall
Forty-five persons attended the monthly meeting of the Avenue Parent-Teacher
association held Tuesday night in the Avenue school.
Taking part in the panel discussion on "Ways We can be Helped by Parents" were
Mrs. Dorothy Miller Chairman, Mrs. John Ross, Miss Priscilla Schoen, and Bernard
Long. Avenue school teachers, and Miss Dorothy Johnson, music supervisor.
Accordion numbers played by Miss Jane Hathaway were "Patrotic Melody', White
Christmas", and "Rudolph , the Red Nosed Reindeer."
John Williams, a teacher, gave a demonstration on reading.
Hostesses were sixth grade room mothers with the committee including, Mrs.
Richard Jackson, Mrs. Lawrence Law, and Mrs. Archie J. Schaefer.
Father-Son Speaker To Be Dr. Crawford
Nov. 13, 1950-age 12
Dr. Neil Crawford, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oregon, a former
member of Shimer college faculty of Mount Carroll, will be the speaker of the
annual father and son banquet to be given by Van Bibber-Hansen post, American
Legion, Monday night, Nov. 13, in the American Legion home.
A committee of members of the American Legion Auxiliary will prepare and serve
the dinner.
The program to be given after the dinner will include the talk by Dr. Crawford,
selections by the Savanna Barbershop quartet, and accordion numbers by Miss Jane
Tickets are on sale by the committee including Albert M. Greison, E. D. Gantert,
Charles Reese, Edgar Harry, J. Logan Machen, and by Robert Marriott at the
Creison shoe store.
Recornd Crowd Attends Sabula Alumni Banquet
The annual banquet of the Sabula High School Alumni association held Saturday
night in the Civic auditorium broke all records for attendance, over 180 alumni
and guests being present. Folks were here from coast to coast, from the Sunny
South and as far north as St. Paul, Minn.
With Mrs. Fred Norskow playing the grand march the alumni were assembled by
class, led by Mrs. Maye Gage Wright, a member of Sabula's first graduating
class, that of 1888. This was followed by the Doxology and then all repaired to
the dining room where a fine dinner prepared by the Sabula Café awaited them.
Ray Papke, Alumni president opened the program and the class of 1949 was
presented by Clarence Peters, president of the school board, in the absence of
Supt. Paul Voskuil, who was out of town. Mr. Papke welcomed the class on behalf
of the association and response was made by Dick Wall, president of the class.
Russell Cotter, '24 of Los Angeles, California, was then presented as
toastmaster and there after kept things going at a merry pace. Mrs. Alice
Schroeder, program chairman, led the group singing and staged several surprise
numbers---the performers called upon being as much surprised as the audience.
Mrs. Amy Boyd, '19 gave brief remarks and, in behalf of the association,
presented a corsage to Mrs. Wright, member of the first graduating class.
Mrs. Ida Jacobs, '93, gave a very interesting toast on school days of the Gay
Nineties, telling of the difference in the set-up of classes, of the modes of
transportation and of the gowns worn by the girl graduates. It brought back many
happy memories to the older alumni.
Miss Jane Hatheway, 10, of Savanna, gave several accordian solos which
demonstrated great talent for one so young.
This being the 25th anniversay of the Class of '24 a few recollections of that
group were given by Rullsell Cotter, Henry Dickinson and Helen Wilbur Ellison. A
letter from Mrs. Carrie Gallagher, of Los Angeles, was read. She graduated in
A novelty number causing much merriment was a rendition in "Breakfast in
Hollywood" style, the song being "The Band Played On." Mrs. Schroeder summoned
from the audience Francis Behan, Glen Densmore, Walter Edlen, Ed Lasinsky and
Jerry Meyer, dolled them up with femine headgear and then the melody floated
through the air as these draftees tried to strike a few barber shop chords. Mrs.
F. W. Ters furnished piano accompaniment for this and other vical numbers.
1903 Class Reunion
Through the efforts of Hans D. Jess, all known living members of the Class of
1909, excepting Geo. Keller, were present and seated at the table in one group
for a class reunion. Mr. Jess introduced the class with fitting remarks.
Grace Thompson Jost read an original poem written for the class in 1969 by Hans
Mohr, deceased, a class member, which was greatly enjoyed by all and is
cherished by the class members, Mrs. Hazel Lambert Gage read the class history
which she wrote and delivered at the commencement 40 years ago.
Rex Huffman, of St. Paul, was a member of this class and left Sabula two days
after graduation. This was his first trip back home in the 40 years that have
since elapsed and in his toast he expressed his pleasure at again meeting with
his old schoolmates and attending the banquet. Following a brief, stunt by the
'49'ers, Toastmaster Cotter took pot shots at the audience and called for
impromptu toasts from Maynard Dunham, Ralph Kunau, Lester Krabbenhoft, Henry
Dickinson, ann Petersen Williams, Paul Kempter, Wade Guenther, James Esmay, Dr.
J. C. Day, Milton Gage, Glen Densmore and Carle Wells.
As toastmaster, Cotter had the selling gift of a carnival barker, the power of
exhoetation of a Billy Sunday and ad-libbed like Fred Allen; a combination hard
to beat. His sallies and jibes kept the audience laughing and he received fine
co-operation from his involuntary performers.
Cards signed by those present were sent to former Supt Fred Berkley who had
planned on being present, but was unable to do so owing to an operation; to
Albert E. Spring, Leaf River, Illk., former president of the school board who
recently underwent an eye operation, and Rex M. Long, Clinton, who has been ill
for some time, and who is a member of the Alumni.
Among the musical specialties introduced by Mrs. Schroeder were a duet "Daisy
Bell" by John Ervin and Viola Kempter Cotter, and a rendition of "Home Sweet
Home" by Margaret Alton, Amy Boyd, Helen Tillis, Zillah Smith, Ida Jacobs and
Mrs. Schroeder.
New Officers
At the business meeting Cleo Gregersen read the secretary's report and Hubert
Wise the treasurer's report. New officers were elected as follows:
President-Amy Boyd.
Vice President-Soren Lund, Jr.
Secretary-Paggy Ackerman.
Treasurer-Velma Ters.
Out of Town Guests
Out of town guests at the banquet as given by the registration book were:
Russell Cotter, Los Angeles, Calif.; Ann Petersen Williams, New York City; Mr.
and Mrs. s. D. Cotter, Madison, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Cotter, Rockford,
Ill.; Carle K, Wells, Birminghan, Alabama; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrance Wells, S. L.
Wells, Elkhart, Indiana; Ray Schwartz, Waverly, Iowa; Mr. and Jrs. John Ervin,
Beulah Simpson, Moline, Ill;
Alice Gates Smith, La Porte City, Iowa; Mrs. Robert Schubert, Mt. Carroll, I;;.;
Paul Kempter, Tomah, Wis.; Dean Fitzgerald, Union, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stanek,
Jr., Maquoketa; Mrs. Idah Asmussen, Preston;; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Krabbenhoft,
Miles; Marie Petersen Taplin, Bryant,; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cornilsen, Delmar;
LeRoy Greve, Andover; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Papke, Miles; Mr. and Mrs. Winston
Wessel, DeWitt.;
Rex Huffman, St. Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Babwell, Elgin, Ill.; Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Nevitt, Mr. and Mrs. Fay l. King, Milwaukee, Wis.; Veronica Roeder,
Kenosha, Wis.; Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Day, Oak Park, Ill.; Mr. and Ed Lasinsky,
Franklin Park, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Meyers, Bellevue; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Esmay, Muscatinel Mr. and Mrs. James Esmay, Rockwell city;
Mr. and Mrs. Milton G. Gage, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jess and Geraldine, Grace
Thompson Jost, Effie Esmay, Farley, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Chicago, Ill.;
Mrs. Effie Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hatheway and Jane, Heln Kempter Heisler,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rathje, Savanna;
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. John P.
Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McClusky, Mrs. Helen Ellison, Mrs. Zilla Carstensen,
Petty Gerten, Billy Bruse, Glen E. Densmore, Walter M. Edlen, M/Sgt. And Mrs. T.
N. Smith, Mrs. Elva Conner, Clinton;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoyer, Davis, Junction, Ill.; Capt. and Mrs. Merle Wagaman,
Cheyenne, Wyoming; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schranling, Rockford, Ill.
July 5, 1950
Miss Jane Hathaway, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hathaway of East
Savanna, entertained with four accordion numbers at a special program given
after the band concert in Lanark on Wednesday evening..
Court Fr. Antl To Hear Book Review Monday
Feb. 6, 1950-age 11
Age 11
Mrs. George Morden of Clinton, Iowa, will review the book "Cheaper by the
Dozen," at a meeting of Court Fr. Antl. Catholic Daughters of America, to be
held at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6, in St.
John's Forester hall.
Jane Hathaway of Savanna will entertain by playing several accordion numbers.
Each member is asked to bring a guest to the meeting.
Mrs. Thomas Kustes, program chairman, asks each member to have a question ready
for the question box.
The social committee appointed by Mrs. John Washburn, grand regent, includes
Mrs. Lawrence Martinell, Mrs. R. K. Wiley, Mrs. H. L. Sterling, Miss Lucile
Sterling, Mrs. Richard Delp, Mrs. M. P. Shafenbauer, Mrs. Genevieve, Martin, Mis.
Earl Davidson, Mrs. Robert Kelsey and Miss Lorine Hall.
Catholic Daughters Hear Book Review
Feb. 6, 1950-Gift of Spoon Pin
Savanna, Ill.-Mrs. George Modden, of Clinton, Iowa, reviewed a book at the Ft.
Antl Court, Catholic Daughter of America meeting Monday nigh in Forester hall.
Fifty members and guest were present.
The program included accordion selection by Jane Hatheway.
Refreshments were served by Mrs. Larewnce Martinell, Mrs. R. K. Wiley, Mrs. H.
L. Sterling, Miss Lucille Sterling, Mrs. Richard Delp, Mrs. M. P. Schahefbauer,
Mrs. Genevieve Martin, Mrs. Earl Davidson, Mrs. Robert Kelsey and Miss Lorine
Hall. The next meeting will be March y.
New Officer Of Girl Scout Troop Seated
1950-age 12
New officers for Girl Scout troop 5 of St. John's school were seated at the
second meeting of the fall season held after school Thursday afternoon in St.
John's Forester hall.
They are Mary Louise Hansen, president, Mary Jo Gaffey , Vice president, Margie
McGinn, secretary, Lelia Chapin, Treasurer, and Jane Hathaway , reporter.
A wiener roast will be held by the Scouts and leaders Saturday in Old Mill Park.
Mr. Robert Notz and Mrs. Vincent Gaffey are the leaders.
Navy Mothers Sponsor Tea
Armistice Day Talk Features Program.
Nov. 13, 1950
Savanna, Ill.-The annual silver tea sponsored by the Navy Mother club of Savanna
was attended by 50 persons Friday evening in the Legion home. Mrs. Ralph Buchman,
commander, presided and Mrs. L. W. Sikkema was program chairman.
Feature of the program was an Armistice day address by Rev. Benjamin Heideman of
the Presbyterian church. He also gave the benediction which closed the program.
Included were silent prayer, group singing, piano duet, Janet Boyle and Karen
Neis; tap dancing, Cheryl Thompson, Marva Hartman and Carol Beiers; poems, Mrs.
Viola Patton; accordion solo, Jane Hatheway; piano solo, Mildred Halsted;
acrobatic number, Becky Hatfield and Judy Weideman; vocal solo, Miss Ida Mae
Lammers; tape dancing, Jill Hess and Judy Ost; saxophone solo, Glen Law,
accompanied by Mrs. Judd Law; Poano solo, Lois Hammen, group of musicals from
the Smith studio, and the national anthem.
Guests included Mrs. Alice Der, national colorbearer, and Mrs. Gary Smaetty,
commander of the Freeport club, Mrs. Harry Der, Mrs. Roy Downing, and Mrs. Fred
Wakler, all of Freeport.
Mrs. Hazel Buckwalter presided at the tea table.
Teachers Will Give Avenue PTA Program
Nov. 28, 1950-age 12
A panel discussion on "Ways We Can Be Helped by Parents" will be given by the
Avenue schol teachers at the regular meeting of the Avenue Parent-Teacher
association to be held at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday in the Avenue school.
Accordion numbers will be played by Miss Jane Hathaway.
Hostesses will be sixth grade room mothers with the committee including Mr.
Richard Jackson, Mrs. Lawrence Law, and Mrs. Archie J. Scheafer.
Mrs. William d. Scott, president, will preside.
Capacity Crowd at Musical Conceert
Sunday, May 7, 1950-age 11
Savanna, Ill.-A capacity audience attended the annual spring concert Sunday
evening in St. John's hall by the music pupils of Sister Mary Servatia.
Those participating were Jane Hatheway, Marcella Drier, Judy Stevens, Terry
Runyan, Paul Mills, Doanne Heitman, Robert and James Crisci, Robert Kejci, Mar
Colebaugh, Rollyn Jackson, Anne Bouseman, Elaine Charneski, Charlene Durham,
John Keith Bouseman, Kay Frances Falls, Darlene Cross, Katherine Ann Morse,
Sharon Lynn Steinbach, Mary Louise Hansen, Joanne Lennon; Mary Krejci, Linda Lou
Jackson, Judy Snyder, Judy Weidman, Kathleen Hussey, Patti Wolfe, Ruth Ann
Pollock, Mary Carolyn Lennon, Audrey Stevens, Julie Fuller, Marne McGrath and
Nancy Jahn.
A girls' quartet including Mary Louise Hansen, Josephine Ramriez, Ruth Ann
Pollock and Mary Jo Gaffey sang at intermission.
Feb. 13, 1950-age 11-green jumper
A meeting of the Milwaukee Women's club will be held at 8 this evening in the
Lydia T. Byram Community clubhouse. A program will be presented by Terry Joe
Runyan, Jane Hathaway, Herman Roling and Arnold Berntsen.
Mother, Daughters Honored by Jr. Club
May 22, 1950-age 11
Savanna, Ill.-Fifty persons attended the mother-daughter night of the Junior
Woman's club, held last night in the Legion home. Miss Catherine Sullivan was in
charge of the program which as given by Jane Hatheway, Willa Jontry, Kathleen
Hussey, Karen Neis and Janet Boyle, Charles Mika, Charles Schroeder and Jack
Hess. Mrs. John Davidson was piano accompanist. High honors in cards went to
Mrs. Harold Schroeder, Mrs. Robert Walker and Mrs. Frank Withhart.
Installation of officers will be held at the next meeting June 26 in St. Paul's
parish house.
Refreshments were served by Mrs. Howard Buck, Mrs. Jack Cottral, Mrs. Orpha
Buckwalter, Mrs. Robert Wagneer, Mrs. Hal Smith, Jr., Miss Rita Wolfe, Miss
Marjorie Wolfe, Mrs. Lois Kahler, Mrs. Don Winkler and Mrs. Robert Davidson.