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In Memoriam
We, the Senior Class of 1953. Dedicate this annual to the memory of Mr. William
G. Warnock who so faithfully served Mt. Carroll High School for twenty-seven
years and whose kindness, loyalty, and understanding will always be remembered.
Principal---M. J. Siebert
School Board-Ross Hostetter, Jr., Judson Grove, Charles Kessler, S. C. Campbell,
Russell Derrer, Thomas Veith, Herbert Peck.
Izetta B. Robbe
B.E.---Illinois State Normal University, Whitewater State Teachers College,
Gregg college
Zella C. Corbet
Ph.B.---University of Chicago
John Condie
B.A.---Iowa Wesleyan College, M. S.---University of Wisconsin, University of
Indiana, University of Iowa.
Dorothy M. Huber
Frances Shimer College B.A.---University of Illinois
B.A.---Nebraska State Teachers College, College of William and Mary, University
of Colorado, Cornell University, University of Michigan
Frank M. Pletersen
M.S.---University of Illinois
Andrew J. Hook
B.A.---Western State Teachers College, University of Iowa
Robert H. Duffield
B.A.---Northern Illinois State Teachers College
Virginia Neal
B.M.E.---James Milliken University
Fred M. Hubbell
M.M.E.---University of Illinois
Maryann Armstrong
B.A.---James Milliken University
Charles H. Kirkpatrick
B.A.---Western State Teachers College
James Weigand
B.A.---Augustana College
Glenn Deane Flora
B.A.---Augustana College
Esther Zugschwerdt
University of Iowa.
Jeanette Nichols
Illinois State Normal University
Pres. 1-3-4-; Choir 1; Bamd 1-2-3-4, emsembles 2-3-4; Dramatics Club 3-4-, F.FA.
2-3-4; Football 1-2-3-4; Track 1-2-3-4; Intra. Basketball 1;
Vice. Pres. 3; Choir 3-4; Band 1-2-3-, ensembles 3-4, Plays 2-3-4; Newspaper 1;
Annual 4; Librarian 2-3; Football 1-2-3-4-; Basketball 1-2-3-4; Track 1-2-3-4;
Trak 1-2-3-4; Intra. Wrestling 3-4;
Vice pres. 4; Band 1-2-3-4-, ensembles 2-3-4; Dramatics Club 3-4, Plays 2-3-4;
Newspaper reporter 1; Annual 4; F. F. A. 1-2-3; Football 1-2-3-4; Intra.
Basketball 1; Commencement Attendant 3;
Pres, 2, Sec. 4; Choir 1-2-3-4, ensembles 1-2-3-4; Band 1-2-3-4, Ensembles 2-3;
Dramatics Club 3-4, Plays 1-2-3-4; Newspaper staff 1; Annual staff 4; Librarian
3; F.H.A. 2-3; G.A.A. 3; Cheerleader 1-2-3-4; Homecoming queen 4; Commencement
attendant 3; D.A.R. Award 4.
Treas. 4; Choir 1-2-3-4; Dramatics Club 3-4, Plays 3-4; Newspaper reporter 1;
Annual 4; F.H.A. 2-4' G.A.A. 3-4; Intra. Volleyball 2-3;
Choir 1-3-4; Dramatics Club 3-4, Play 2-4; Newspaper reporter 1; F.H.A. 3-4;
G.A.A. 3-4; Intra volleyball 2-3;
Plays 2; Newsdpaper 1; Annual 4; Intra volleyball 2.
Choir 1-2-3-4, ensembles 4; Dramatics Club 3-4; Plays 1-2; Newspaper reporter 1;
Annual reporter 4; Librarian 3; F.H.A. 2-3; G.A.R. 3; Intra volleyball 2-3;
Homecoming attendant 4.
Play 2; Newspaper 1; Annual 4; Librarian 2; Football 1-2; Basketball 1, Mgr. 2;
Track 1; Intra. Wrestling 3-4; Intra. Basketball 1.
Choir 1-2-3-4; Dramatics Club 3-4, Plays 2-4; Newspaper reporter 1; Annual 4;
F.H.A. 2-3-4; G.A.A. 3-4; Intra, volleyball 2-3; Commencement attendant 3; Prom
attendant 3;
Plays 2; Newspaper 1; Annual 4; F.H.A.2.
Plays 2; Newspaper 1; Annual 4; F.H.A. 2-3; Intra. Volleyball 2.
Vice pres. 2; Choir 1-2-3-4, ensembles 3-4-; Newspaper 1; Annual reporter 4;
Dramatics Club 3-4; Plays 3-4; F.H.A. 2-4; G.A.A. 3-4; Intra. Volleyball 2-3;
Choir 1-2-3-4; Dramatics Club 3; Plays 2l Newspaper 1; Annual 4; F.H.A.2-3; G.
A. A. 3-4; Intra. Volleyball 2-3'
Sec. 2; Choir 1-2-3-4, ensembles 2-3-4; Band 2-3-4' Dramatics Club 3-4' Plays
2-3-4; Newspaper staff 1; Annual staff 4; F.H.A. 2-3; G.A.A. 3; Intra.
Volleyball 2; Prom attendant 3;
Choir 1; Plays 2; Newspaper 1; Annual 4; F.H.A. 2-3; Intra. Volleyball 2-3.
Vice pres. 1; Choir 1-2-3-4; Dramatics Club 4; Plays 2-4; Newspaper reporter 1;
Annual reporter 4; F.H.A. 2-3; G.A.A. 3; Intra. Volleyball 2.
Newspaper 1; Annual 4;
Plays 2; Newspaper 1; Annual 4; Football 4.
Choir 1-2-3-4; Plays 2; Newspaper 1; Annual 4; Basketball 1-2-3-4; Intra.
Basketball 1.
Transfer 2; Sec. 3; Choir 2-3-4, ensembles 3-4; Dramatics Club 3-4, plays 3-4;
Annual staff 4; Librarian 3-4- G.A.A. 3; Intra. Volleyball 3; Homecoming
attendant 4.
Plays 2; Newspaper 1; Intra. Volleyball 2; Annual 4;
Treas. 1; Choir 1-2; Dramatics Club 3-4, Plays 2-3-4; Newspaper staff 1; Annual
reporter 4; Football 1; Basketball 1-2-3-4; Track 2-3-4; Intra. Wrestling 20304;
Intra. Basket ball 1; Prom attendant./
Plays 2; Newspaper 1; Annual 4; F.H.A. 2; Intra. Volleyball 3;
Sec. 1; Choir 1-2-3-4, Ensembles 2-3-4; Band 3-4, Ensembles 3-4-; Dramatics Club
3-4, Plays 1-2-3-4; Newspaper staff 1; Annual staff4; F.H.A. 3; Cheerleader
1-2-3-4. Intra. Volleyball 2; Homecoming attendant 2.
Choir 1-2-3-4, ensemble 2-3-4; Dramatics Club 3-4, Plays 1-2-3-4; Newspaper
staff 1; Annual staff 4; Librarian 3; F.H.A. 2-3; G.A.A.3; Intra. Volleyball
2-3; Cheerleader 1-2-3-4.
Treas. 1; Newspaper 1; Annual 4; Dramatics Club 2-4, Plays 2-3-4; F. F. A.
1-2-3; Football 1-2-3-4; Basketball 1-2-3-4; Track 1-2-3-4; Intra. Volleyball 2;
Dramatics Club 3-4, plays 2-3-4, Newspaper 1; Annual 4; Football 1-3; Basketball
1; Track 1-2-3; Omtra. Wrestling 1-2-3-4.
Transfer 2. Treas. 3; Choir 3-4; Band 3-4, Ensembles 2; Dramatics Club 3-4,
Plays 2-3-4; Annual 4; F.F.A. 2-3; Football 3-4; Track 3-4; Intra. Volleyball 2;
Commencement attendant 3; Prom attendant 3.
Class Will
We, the 1853 Senior Class of Mt. Carroll High School, being of almost----but not
quite----sound minds, proclaim this to be our last will and testament. We hereby
bequeath the following to the Senior Class of 1954: May they follow in our
footsteps and keep the cauldron boiling.
Joyce Niedermeyer leaves her knitting band and abilities along the same line to
Jan Zillhart.
Lucy Randecker leaves her typewriter to Louie McGowan.
David Saidel leaves the tattered remains of numerous football jerseys to
"Spotty" and "Book" to clean up future senior messes.
Vivian Moshure leaves her taste for sauerkraut to anybody else that has the
To Pat Kearnaghan, Doyle Brinkmeier leaves his ability to dodge the fair sex.
Marie Frederick leaves her boisterous and rowdy manner to Shirley Carson.
Bonnie Hamilton leaves her ability to handle children to "Uncle John Condle.
Jerrie leaves "No.44", the Weidman shirt, to the safekeeping of Mr. Duffield for
the last of the Weidmans-Brent.
To Herb Sisler, Arden Rhodes leaves the understanding that all great things rise
to great heights.
Don Keim leaves Janet to Dave Mackay.
To Glenda Richter, Darby leaves her "gentle" criticism.
Carol Keckler leaves nothing to Glenda Ashby.
"Bud" Smith is to receive Delmar Kehl" seriousness and quietness.
Judy Huber and Bob Noble leave their joint collection of class rings to the
F.F.A. scrap iron drive.
Stuart Kromer refuses to leave anything to anybody-he can't spare it.
Ray Lucas leaves his position as left tackle to Betty Holm.
Juanita Orth leaves her apron to Carol Kille.
Willie leaves his special "bench" pillow to any needy Romper-----Larry Shiley
Bette Keeffer leaves her hair net to Herb Sisler.
To Fred Flickinger goes Don Kille's humble spirit.
Marna Carr leaves her flighty nature and disorganized methods to Carol Fox.
Shirley Bundy leaves----to make Milwaukee famous.
Mary Galvin leaves her constnant presence in the commercial room to Flora Mae
Barbara Crist leaves her bottle of peroxide to Gene Judd.
Gloria Ginther leaves her Pall Malls to Marianne Ivey.
Delores Eacker leaves her quiet dignity to Joan Kearnaghan.
Susan Preston leaves----and is Mr. Hook re-lieved!
The senior class leaves the junior class a good man-Ed Schroeder, and to the
cafeteria we bequeathe a bog of cockroaches. The "famous five" leave their five
sets of pass keys to glenda Ashby, Jan Zillhart, June Rogers, Marcia Getz and
Jud smith. And in closing, the seniors leave Mr. Siebert and "Mother" Huber to
recuperate from their trying year.
Class History
Scorned by the seniors, unwanted by the juniors, and whispered about by the
sophomores, we timidly entered the high school in September, 1949, to begin our
four year course of higher (?) education.
After the boys had been taken for "pleasure" trips through the countryside and
the torturous initiation party was over, we settled down to business and elected
our class officers. David Saidel was named president; Darby McGinty,
vice-president; Susan Preston, secretary, and Jerrie Weidman, treasurer. The
highlights of a year spent in conducting sales to earn money were the building
of the annual homecoming bonfire (freshman dirty work to be exact), and the
all-class Saint Patrick's Day Party.
At the beginning of our sophomore we elected Marna Carr, president; Gloria
Ginther, vice-president; Judy Huber, secretary; and Edward Kreppert, a transfer
student from Rockford, treasurer. We decorated the football field for the
homecoming game and contributed our share of work and money for the all-school
party held in March. In the second semester we welcomed another addition to our
class, Joyce Niedermeyer, of Woodstock, who joined us in the everpresent
whirlpool of geometry lessons, Latin II translations, and Mr. Allen's biology
classes which kept us so completely busy all year.
"Upper-classmen at last," was the echoing cry of our class the next fall. Class
rings flashing, buzzing with prom ideas, we entered into this all-important
year. At our first class meeting David Saidel was elected president; Don Kille,
vice-president; Joyce Niedermeyer, secretary; and Bob Wolber (the unlucky lad),
treasurer. We immediately placed ourselves behind the concession stands at the
football and basketball games in order to make more money for the prom. Between
making up typing I assignments for Mrs. Robbe and reading novels for our new
English teacher, Mr. Condie, we managed to decorate the gym for the Homecoming
Dance and to sponsor after game dances throughout the year. In a setting which
represented the Court of King Neptune, decorated with colorful fish, pirates'
treasures, and undersea growth to carry out the undersea motif, we "royally"
entertained the seniors on May 19 with a very successful dinner-dance----our
Junior Prom!
The fall of 1952 finally arrived, and after 27 eventful months of school we were
at last seniors. The officers elected to rule over our twenty-nine members this
last year were David Saidel, president; Don Keim, vice-president; Marna Carr,
secretary; and Vivian Moshure, treasurer. As an added protection, after one
uproarious meeting, Donald Kille was elected sergeant-at-arms, to maintain
order. At the first of the year we gave the freshmen a delightful initiation
party; then we sat back and let the rest of the school give parties until March
7 when we sponsored a Winter Formal in the gymnasium. However, our main thought
this year was graduation. We spent hours posing for our senior pictures,
ordering caps and gowns, invitations, and working on this annual. Although we
were most anxious to leave these halls without ivey, we were a little saddened
when we cheered at our last basketball game, sang in our last music contest, and
attended our last prom, because all these things were far too much fun to leave
On May 29th, after receiving our diplomas, the class of 1953, much to the relief
of faculty, underclassmen, and janitors, passed, severally into the great
unknown, collectively into a framed class picture outside the superintendent's
office, to be preserved, as all rare thing are, under glass.
Class Prophecy
We juniors, after protracted and profound deliberation based upon three years of
careful study of the senior class, summon all of our occult, divining, and, by
now, morbund faculties, to predict for them the following.:
Dave Saidel, still a bachelor, is now a professor at Shimer College, where he
can keep a closer eye on the students, female, of course.
Darby McGinty is an instructor at a New York modeling agency and is famous for
her "constructive criticism." (?)
The former Mary Galvin is in the county jail for 30 days, the charge: beating
her husband, Delmar Kehl.
Ed Schroeder who has been divorced eight times, has just completed a book, The
Successful Marriage.
Arden "Bessie" Rhodes escaped from East Moline Sanitarium for the sixth time.
She was admitted two and a half years ago when she began thinking, she was a cow
and ate all the grass for miles around.
The Trio, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, and Joyce Niedermeyer, has just completed
their latest picture, The Three Stooges.
Bob Wolber has been offered $5,000 for his Model A by the Museum of Science and
Ray Lucas and Marie Frederick, the up-and-coming couple of Mt. Carroll, have
opened a joint beauty and reducing salon
near the cemetery-(in case their system fails). Their first customer was the
society leader, the former Bonnie
Hamilton, now wife of multi-millionaire Doyle Brinkmeier who made his fortune by
cross-breeding a pig and a
chicken into the popular anifowl, the picken.
Judy Huber finally went on a diet and won the "Miss America" of 1960. Her
manager is Don Kille, who plays the "before"
on the Charles Atlas advertisements on the backs of comic books.
Jerrie Weidman, after finally deciding to go to college, has secured a position
coaching the Morrison team which has not
Won a game since "Bud" Cole left.
Don Keim has taken Jimmy durante's place as "the nose."
Vivian Moshure has taken over the driving of the Budweiser team with her famous
dog "Squeaky" beside her. Her under-
Study is Delores Eacker.
Susan Preston is featured in a new TV program called Ma Preston's Cooking Club.
This program can be seen every day
At 11:00 A. M.
Lucille Randecker is now a famous Power's Model.
Bette Keeffer Kehl, weighing 197 ½ pounds and now the mother of fourteen
children, is teaching a class in keeping
Beautiful while raising a family.
Shirley Bundy has taken Dorothy Collins' place as the "Lucky Stike Sweetheart"
on the "Hit Parade."
Gloria Ginther has opened a night club in Lanark called "The Stag Bar."
"Bubble Keckler. The new leading man in her life is Stu Kromer who was elected
"Mr. America" of 1964.
If you are having trouble with your yearbook, you can write to "Annual Alda,
Inc." 22 West Madison Street, Chicago.
In charge is Miss Marna Carr who felt that experience was the best teacher.
Barbara Crist won the title of the world's greatest woman wrestler.
Accordianist Juanita Orth can now be heard over WLS every Saturday night on the
Barn Dance.
Bud Noble has just had his fifth divorce; we guess he hasn't changed much since
his high school days.
J. Rogers J. Christensen G. Ashby J. Zillhart C. Bausman
O. Bork J. Brunson S. Carson F. Coleman L. Craig
T. Craig C. Fox G. Geneenbach M. Getz F. Gillespie
M. Ivey M. Judas P. Kearnaghan M. Kehl K. Legel
D. Mackay C. McGowan J. Metz D. Morgan R. Rogers
K. Schupbach L. Shiley J. Sipe H. Sisler J. Slick
F. Smith J. Smith M. smith T. Spencer J. Tautz
The big project of the Junior Class was the Junior-Senior Prom on May 22nd. To
raise money in preparation for this great event the Juniors sold refreshments at
the football and basketball games and also sold school letters and memory books
during the winter.
The class consists of 35 members who are skillfully advised by Miss Flora, Miss
Armstrong, and Mr. Kirkpatrick. The class elected June Rogers, president; Joyce
Christiansen, vice-president; Glenda Ashby, secretary; and Jan Zillhart,
B. Kneale M. Zink J. Miller K. Kille
C. Ackerman R. Brinkmeier L. Buckwalter A. Crouse
R. Decker P. Derrickson R. Derrer D. DeSpain
D. DeSpain C. Dewey C. Dixon B. Fetterolf
D. Guenzler L. Hartman B. Holm E. Hovorka
L. Kentlehner R. Lucas D. McDearson P. Remrey
B. Sazma F. Schroeder R. Schroeder R. Smith
E. Swiech K. Swift M. Teeter C. Turney
G. Wacker G. Yenney
The Sophomore Class, although it was not too active socially, had a party early
in the year and was well represented in all extra-curricular activities. They
had charge of the cloak room at basketball games and had charge of the
refreshment stand several times. In the spring, members chose their class rings
which they will receive some time next fall. Their advisors are Miss Corbett,
Mr. Condie, and Miss Neal. Officers of the class are: Bernie Kneale, president;
Margie Zink, vice-president; Janet Miller, secretary, and Carol Kille,
J. McDearmon M. Judd A. Kneale E. Adams J. Bonjour
G. Bork E. Boyer G. Brinkmeier H. Brunner K. Buck
H. Bussan K, Christensen T. Colehour B. Davis J. Eaton
F. Flickinger L. Frederick E. Prost P. Fulrath L. Gelwicks
W. Gengenbach L. Getz J. Grove B. Hamilton W. Hamilton
S. Hicks J. Hovorka E. Judd R. Kaufman J. Kearnaghan
A. Keller C. Kinney J. Lantz H. Law R. Lindsay
S. Luttrell R. Moore G. Morhardt B. Orth C. Preston
M. Rabb R. Randecker B. Rausch D. Remrey C. Richter
C. Salvatore R. Schnitzler S. Shiley M. Sisler C. Smith
E. Smith M. Williams D. Wubben H. Zink K. Zugschwerdt
With the dreaded initiation over, the Freshman, fifty-five in number were able
to get down to the business of electing the following officers: Jim McDearmon,
president; Martin Judd, vice-president; Arlie Kneale, secretary-treasurer. In
November they planned and enjoyed a treasure hunt for their class only. The
Freshman cheerleaders chosen are Joan Kearnaghan and Carol Preston. In March the
class welcomed a new member, Linda Seifert. They have been skilfully advised
throught the year by Miss Fetterolf, Mr. Hubbell and Mr. Petersen.
Judy Huber-Assistant Editor
Marna Carr-Editor
Susan Preston-Business Manager
Joyce Niedermeyer & Arden Rhodes-Co-Activities Editors
Mr. Condie, J. Smith, D. Guenzler, J. Weidman, B. Noble, C. Kinney, H. Sisler,
M. Judd
K. Christensen, F. Gillespie, F. Schroeder, B. Hamilton, C. Dixon, C. Kille, M.
Getz, C. Bausman, d. McGinty, M. Carr.
G. Ashby, S. Preston, J. Zillhart, C. fox, S. Shiley, D. McDearmon, R.
Schnitzler, J. Rogers, M. Zink, b. Orth, C. Salavatore.
S. Bundy, G. Ginther, B. Crist, J. Kearnaghan, D. Keim, T., Craig, J. Huber, J.
Miller, D. Eacker, M. Smith.
J. Niedermeyer, D. Saidel, D. Kille, L. McGpwan, L. Hartman, R. Rogers, E.
Adams, G. Richter, C. Preston, L. Kantlehner, V. Moshure.
F. Smith, P. Kearnaghan, D. Morgan, E. Schroeder, C. Ackerman, A. Rhodes.
The Dramatic Club, formed two years ago by Mr. John Condie, has become a very
active organization. The main play given this year was a political satire
entitled Two Blind Mice. The Christmas play, written by Mr. Condie, was entitled
Robin and the Enchanted Book. In addition to presenting these plays, members of
the club have done extra work in make-up, lighting, and construction of the
stage settings. Members of the club also made a mid-winter trip to Chicago to
see the play Gigi.
The officers of the club are: Arden Rhodes, president; Bob Noble,
vice-president; Marna Carr, secretary-treasurer.
J. Weidman, D. Mackay, F. Flickinger, D. Siedenberg, M. Teeter, S. Preston, S.
B. Davis, G. Richter, D. Saidel, S. Shiley, P. Allen, T. Hopkins, M. Judd, J.
Moore, J. Dottmar, D. Kille, M. Carr, B. Hamilton, S. Flickinger, J. Robers, M.
T. Watson, R. Fetterolf, S. Schaut, C. Preston, D. Keim, J. Smith, J. Kearnaghan,
C. Kinney, T. Craig, B. Wolber, E. Judd, T. Spencer, J. Miller, J. Miller, B.
J. Huber, Mr. Hubbell.
The Mt.. Carroll High School Band, under the able direction of Mr. Fred Hubbell,
consists of fifty-two members who are students in both the grade school and the
high school. The band had a very active year, beginning with appearances at
football games where it marched at the halves and formed intricate formations.
Then the ban played at all the home basketball games and sent a delegation of
snappy musicians call the "pep" band to some of the out-of town games. The
entire band, ensembles, and soloists participated in the music contest and also
in the Blackhawk Music Festival at Lanark. The band's last public appearance was
the spring concert on April 24th.
Officers of the band are: Jud Smith, president; Marna Carr, vice-president;
Joyce Christensen, secretary; Don Keim, treasurer.
Also had a Clarinet Quartette, German Band, and Brass Sextette.
Miss Neal, C. Kille, S. Shiley, H. Bussan, B. Hamilton, M. Carr, D. McDearmon,
D. DeSpain, J. Rogers, J. Zillhart, K. Kugschwerdt, P. Fulthrath.
D. Eacker, J. Kearnaghan, F. Schroeder, S. Carson, D. McGinty, J. Miller, G.
Ashby, B. Hamilton, S. Preston.
G. Richter, C. Preston, J. Huber, M. Getz. G. Ginther, L. Hartman, M. Teeter, B.
Crist, V. Moshure.
J. Niedermeyer, A. Rhodes, B. Davis, J. McDearmon, A, Kneale, B. Kneale, D.
DeSpain, D. Kille, M. Judd, C. Ackerman, S. Bundy.
F. Flickinger, B. Wolber, C. Kinney, J. Smith, S. Kromer, T. Spencer, D. Mackay,
G. Judd, B. Hamilton.
The mixed chorus, composed of forty-nine students, started its musical year
under the direction of Miss Virginia Neal. The main event of the year was the
annual Christmas program. This spring some of the members attended the Blackhawk
Music Festival, which was held in Lanark. The entire chorus entered the annual
music contests as did the girls' chorus, the madrigal group and several girls'
ensembles. The spring concert was held in April.
The officers of the choir are: Marna Carr, president; Judy Huber, vice-president
and secretary; Jud Smith, treasurer; Janet Miller and Dave Mackay, librarians.
Also had a Sextette and a Quartette.
G. A. A.
V. Moshure, E. Adams, S. Hicks, S. Bundy, G. Ginther, J. Christensen, B. Rausch.
F. Schroeder, B. Hamilton, M. Smith, C. Dewey, C. Kille, C. Dixon, A. Keller, D.
H. Bussan, C. Turney, G. Yenney, J. Hovorka, R. Scjnitzler, M. Swiech, D.
DeSpain, M. Zink, C. Salvatore
M. Sisler, C. Smith, D. Wubben, T. Craig, M. Teeter, B. Sazma, J. Miller, D.
Eacker, R. Brinkmeier.
F. T. A.
L. Randecker, B. Sazma, G. Richter, K. Christensen.
M. Ivey, b. Hamilton, C. Dixon.
S. Bundy, G. Ginther, F. schroeder.
M. Zink, Mrs. Robbe, E. Adams, C. Ackerman, C. Turney, C. Dewey, Miss Corbett,
J. Christensen.
Future Farmers of America
Mr. Petersen, J. Tautz, F. Smith, J. Grove. G. Gengenbach, K. Schupbach, G.
L. Craig, E. Frost, R. Derrer, E. Hovorka, M. Williams, C. Bork, J. Slick.
H. Brunner, W. Gengenbach, J. Eaton, G. Bork, J. McDearmon, E. Smith, M. Raab.
C. Kinney, L. Getz, D. Saidel, L. Kantlehner, E. Boyer, J. Sipe, H. Law.
Future Homemakers of America
Miss Armstrong, C. Ackerman, S. Hicks, V. Moshure, C. Preston, J. Miller, D.
Eacker, R. Brinkmeier.
C. Dewey, C. Kille, C. Dixon, A. Keller, D. McDearmon, F. Bussan, M. Judas, C.
G. Yenney, J. Hovorka, R. Schnitzler, S. Shiley, M. Swiech, D. DeSpain, M. Zink,
B. Orth, C. Salvatore.
M. Sisler, C. Smith, D. Wubben, B. Sazma, K. Christensen, J. Kearnaghan, B.
Hamilton, R. Randecker, S. Carson..
E. Adams, S. Bundy, G. Ginther, L. Hartman, J. Christensen, G. Richter, M.
Teeter, F. Schroeder, R. Kaufman.
FOOTBALL-Varsity, Freshmen, Sophomores, Seniors
Queen-Marna Carr, King-Don Kille, Attendants- Joyce Niedermeyer & Barbara Crist,
Escorts-Bob Noble & Gerald Brocher.
Varsity Basketball
B. Noble, D. DeSpain, H. Sisler, F. Smith, Kearnaghan, B. Wolber.
L. Kantlehner, D. Kille, L. Shiley, S. Kromer, G. Weidman, J. Smith, A. Hook.
Pearl City 48 44
Milledgeville 62 60
Mt. Morris 47 55
Savanna 80 67
Oregon 60 35
Thomson 60 46
Lanark 51 62
Polo 55 36
Chadwick 78 45
Shannn 45 49
Savanna 53 50
Oregon 64 69
Milledgeville 49 60
Lanark 35 52
Pearl City 66 47
Thomson 66 49
Polo 60 45
Chadwick 64 50
Shannon 77 45
Mt. Morris 54 62
Mt. Carroll 46 Milledgeville 44
Mt. Carroll 59 Thomson 58
Mt. Carroll 51 Lanark 48
Freshman Sophomore Basketball
R. Smith, R. Decker, P. Remrey, D. Guenzler, B. Kneale.
L. Kantlehner, Mgr; J. McDearmon, R. Moore, P. Derrickson, G. Wacker, A. Kneale,
Coach Duffield.
E. Frost, T. Colehour, D. Remrey, J. Grove, A. Crouse, B. Davis.
Pearl City 3` 57
Milledgeville 33 59
Mt. Morris 48 59
Savanna 30 29
Oregon 38 29
Thomson 27 42
Lanark 31 32
Polo 50 36
Chadwick 29 34
Shannon 47 46
Shannon 44 51
Savanna 49 16
Oregon 39 57
Milledgeville 59 50
Lanark 41 37
Pearl City 35 31
Thomson 40 33
Polo 35 36
Chadwick 37 42
Shannon 46 50
Mt. Morris 45 46
Susan Preston, Marcia Getz, Arden Rhodes, Thelma Craig, Marna Carr.
Joan Kearnaghan, Carol Preston, Marcia Teeter, Marjorie Zink
Mt. Carroll 41 ½
Polo 64 ½
Lanark 12
Carroll County Meet
First 68
Blackhawk Conference Meet
Second 49 ½
Mt. Carroll 107
Lanark 11
Mt. Carroll 70 ½
Milledgeville 64
Shannon 13 ½
Mt. Carrol 77
Thomson 46 ½
Lanark 24 ½
Mt. Carroll 56 ½
Savanna 65 ½
Lanark 16
Carroll County Meet
First 56 ½
Blackhawk Conference Meet
Third 44
Fulton Relays 10
Clinton Gateway Classic 6 ¾
District Meet 5 ½
State Meet 4 ½
Bud "Flying Floyd: Smith, the airborne member of our track squad, spent the 1953
season setting records of excellence in the high jump. At the state meet, Floyd
tied at 6 feet 2 ¾ inches
Although Floyd's many first places added to the prestige of the team, the
consistent second, third, and fourth place wins of other team members led to
many trophies and first places.
Social Studies
Manual Arts
Typing II
Seventh grade And Eighth grade
L. Moltman, L. Storcht. Watson, Mrs. Zugachwerdt, R. Buckwalter, G. Imel, J.
D. Dickson, J. Grove, T. Miles, G. Moshure, S. Isenhart, D. Roche, J. Grimm, L.
J. Breed, J. Dittsworth, D. Slick, S. Russel, B. Remrey, J. Davis, R. Frey, D.
Fredericjs, S. Zissler.
D. Gelwicks, J. Schubert, B. Zahn, J. McCray, R. Fetteroif, E. Miller, S.
Rausch, A. Laughlin.
B. Rhodes, G. Smith, H. Tautz, C. Ackerman, R. Handel, L. Imel, R. Warfield, S.
Hartman, M. Brunson, D. Ritenour.
A. Grouse, J. Davis, C, Storch, M. Airhart, J. Rogers, N. Colliflower, A.
B. Miss Nichols, J. Miller, K. LaDue, J. Geisz, B. Rogers, R. Larson, J. Keohane.
C. S. Randecker, S. Dottmar, B. Law, D. Curley, L. Strauss, J. Dottmar, D.
D. M. Kantlehner, G. Rogers, P. DeSpain, A. Hovorka, S. Hamilton, K. Voltz, D.
Zink, W. Morhardt.
E. R. Johnson, M. Randecker, J. Weidman, R. Smith, V. Binkley, C. Frederick, R.
Buxton, C. Mackay
Office Staff
Mrs. Anita Hurkey Richards-Secretary
Jan Zillhart, student helper: Mrs. Richards , Mr. Siebert
Queen-Joyce Niedermeyer
King-Gerald Weidman
Glenda Ashby, Jan Zillhart, Jud Smith, Herb Sisler