Lonely Soul in Savanna - 1909
![Savanna from the River - 1909](post/1909Savanna.jpg)
Savanna from the River - 1909
![Bird's Eye View of Savanna](post/1910birdseyeSavanna.jpg)
Bird's Eye View of Savanna
![1910-Homes on Chicago Avenue, Savanna](post/1910SavChicagoAvehomes.jpg)
1910-Homes on Chicago Avenue, Savanna
![1910-A shady Curve (-- Where?)](post/1910ShadyCurveSav.jpg)
1910-A shady Curve (-- Where?)
![Savanna's Main Street - 1912](post/1912SavMainSt.jpg)
Savanna's Main Street - 1912
![The Radke Coffee Shop](post/RadkecoffeeshopSav.jpg)
The Radke Coffee Shop
![Indian Head](post/IndianHeadRockSav.jpg)
Indian Head
![1923-View from the Bluffs near Savanna](post/1923SavILBluffsView.jpg)
1923-View from the Bluffs near Savanna
![Near Palisades Park](post/PalisadesPkSav.jpg)
Near Palisades Park
![1910 - the Palisades](post/1910Palisades.jpg)
1910 - the Palisades
![Savanna-Sabula Bridge - 1942](post/Savanna-SabulaBridge1942.jpg)
Savanna-Sabula Bridge - 1942
![The Toll-Bridge - 1951](post/1951Savtollbridge.jpg)
The Toll-Bridge - 1951
![Mt. Carroll's Old Mill](post/OldMillMtC.jpg)
Mt. Carroll's Old Mill
![Mt. Carroll](post/Mt.Carroll.jpg)
Mt. Carroll (Thanks go to Jeremy Clay)
![1910 Chautauqua at Mt. Carroll](post/1910ChautauquaMtCl.jpg)
1910 Chautauqua at Mt. Carroll
![Hatheway Hall, Shimer College](post/ShimerMtC.jpg)
Hatheway Hall, Shimer College
![1911-Hatheway Hall, Shimer College](post/1911HathewayHallFSAcad.jpg)
1911-Hatheway Hall, Shimer College
![Thomson Methodist Church](post/1910ThomsonMethodist.jpg)
Thomson Methodist Church
![1909 Thomson Basketball Team](post/1909thomsonbbteam.jpg)
1909 Thomson Basketball Team
![1953 Mt. Carroll Basketball](post/mtcarrollbb1953.jpg)
1953 Mt. Carroll Basketball
![Hickory Grove School Stuff](post/1909HickoryGroveSch.jpg)
Hickory Grove School Stuff
![Milledgeville Church](post/MilledgevilleChurch.jpg)
Milledgeville Church
![Savanna Girls Basketball Champs](post/SavannaBasketball.jpg)
Savanna Girls Basketball Champs
Girl in Front and Center was Ruby Weeler Knapp, aunt to Don Lancaster.
Don can be reached at lancaster@socket.net
![Carl Harman from Lanark, born June 20, 1916 - Early School](post/chaman1.jpg)
Carl Harman - Early School
(Courtesy of Melissa Harman Teague)
![Caroline Schoen Harman Family](post/chaman2.jpg)
Caroline Schoen Harman Family
(Caroline is in the wagon next to the dog.)
(Courtesy of Melissa Harman Teague), daughter of Carl Harman)
![Karl Schoen](post/karlschoen2.jpg)
Karl Schoen
(Courtesy of Melissa Harman Teague)
![Hardware Store in Lanark](post/hardwarestore2.jpg)
Hardware Store in Lanark
Shown is Frank Harman, grandfather of Melissa Harman Teague
(Courtesy of Melissa Harman Teague)
![Twin Sisters Rocks](post/TwinSistersRocks.jpg)
Twin Sisters Rocks
![Carroll County School 1906](post/carrollcountyillinoisschool1906.jpg)
Carroll County School 1906
Most likely the old one-room Oil Valley School
In the photo from left to right (as far as we can determine) was Maud Dale, ?, Hazel Hale, ?, ?, Florence Dale, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, John Dale Jr.
Back row Richard Dale, ?, ?, teacher.
The Dale family farm was a bit further south and to the west of the school.
Our Thanks to Diane Kay Weber (dianewzip@hotmail.com) for this Photo and Information
If you have additional information, please contact Diane
If you have a picture or postcard to add to our little collection, please email it to me at