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Rollin Laird
Biographical Sketch from the History of Kern County, pp. 1253-1254
The present city attorney of Bakersfield belongs to an honored pioneer family of
California and traces his genealogy to Scotland, whence one of the name crossed
the ocean to America shortly after the close of the Revolutionary war. When the
great unknown west first attracted worldwide attention through the discovery of
gold Peter Laird determined to cast in his lot with the enthusiastic army of
Argonauts bound for the mines of the coast. Accompanied by his family, in 1851
he came across the plains with a prairie-schooner and a drove of stock. In the
care of the stock he was aided by his boy of seven years, John W. P., whose
extreme youth did not prevent him from attempting to do a man's work in the long
and fatiguing journey. The difficult tasks of devolving upon father and son were
rendered less arduous through the constant encouragement and cheerful aid of the
beloved wife and mother, a woman of deep religious spirit and gentle character.
She bore the maiden name of Julia A. Pierce*. While still a young woman, needed
in her home and unspeakably dear to her family, she was taken from them by an
unfortunate accident. The family had settled in Eldorado County and the father
had engaged in mining at Mokelumne mines, where he established his wife and
children in camp. One day in 1854, while Mrs. Laird was lying in a hammock, a
mine blast occurred and she was killed by a flying rocket when one of the powder
charges exploded. Her passing was mourned not alone by the immediate family, but
also by the miners, to all of whom she had been a friend, benefactor and nurse.
After the Laird family had lived for some time at the old mining camps of
Diamond Springs and Shingle Springs, about 1858 they moved to Sacramento County
and became interested in the stock business. During the latter part of the
1860's they removed to Inyo County. Peter Laird died at the home of his son,
Judge J. W. P. Laird, at Bakersfield in
January, 1910, at the age of eighty-nine years. John W. P. Laird was born at
Mount Carroll, Carroll County, IL May 28, 1844, and in 1851 came across the
plains from Missouri with his parents. Later he worked in the mines and on
ranches. While engaged in the cattle industry he procured some law books from an
old-time attorney in Sacramento and after the day's work was done he read law by
the camp fires. Thus by dint of hard work, both manual and mental, he fitted
himself for the career of an attorney. When he resolved upon a legal career he
was considerably past thirty and in 1879, soon after he was admitted to practice
before the California Supreme Court, he was elected district attorney of Inyo
County, serving as such until 1886. During the first administration of President
Cleveland he served as register of the Independence land office. His first
appearance as an attorney in Kern County occurred in 1890, when he came to
Bakersfield as a special prosecutor in the trial of W. T. C. Elliott for murder,
the case resulting in mistrial, and Elliott was never acquitted or found guilty.
Being well pleased with Bakersfield, Mr. Laird determined to establish an office
in this city and in May 1891 he arrived here, being followed by his family in
July. In the practice of law he formed a partnership with Jackson W. Mahon, then
a young attorney just rising to prominence, now a superior judge of Kern County.
The pleasant and profitable association was terminated after a few years by the
election of Mr. Mahon to the bench. Later Mr. Laird formed a partnership with H.
L. Packard and this connection existed until 1903, when he was appointed
district attorney to succeed the late J. W. Ahern, an able lawyer and a loyal
friend. Such was the ability with which the vacancy was filled that in 1906 Mr.
laird was regularly elected to the office and in that capacity he was regarded
as an able prosecutor and a fearless champion of the people's cause.
A recognized leader of the Kern County Democracy Mr. Laird exercised a wide
influence in the party councils and in 1900 was elected assemblyman on the
regular party ticket. While a member of the house he served on the Pardee
investigating committee during the Chinatown scandal in San Francisco taking a
prominent part in the investigation. In the fall of 1910 the Democrats nominated
him without opposition to represent the thirty-second district in the state
senate. At the election Kings and Tulare counties gave large Republican
majorities, which defeated him, although he carried his own county by a
flattering vote. Upon the death of Judge Ben L. Brundage, less than a year
before his own demise, he was a member of the committee on resolutions an in
that capacity gave a deserved tribute to that honored California pioneer, whose
career in the law was long and brilliant.
While living in Inyo county in 1872 Mr. Laird married Henrietta McLaughlin, who
had come to California ten years before and whose death occurred at Bakersfield
during 1900. They were the parents of three sons, Ernest, Lester and Rollin, all
residing in Bakersfield, where the eldest son is employed as court reporter and
the youngest serves a city attorney. After the death of his first wife Mr. laird
married again and is survived by his widow, also by four step-daughters, namely:
Mrs. A. K. Miller, of Berkeley; Mrs. Ralph Knight, of Stockton; Mrs. Oscar
Reynolds, of Helena, Montana; and Mrs. Ralph Toland, of Bakersfield. During the
latter part of 1910 ill health began to assail the judge (for by that title he
was commonly known) and early in 1911 he spent three months in the mountains
near Weldon, but the change of climate proved of no avail. A few days after his
return from the mountains he dropped dead from heart failure on the sidewalk a
short distance from the residence of his step-daughter, Mrs. Miller, in
Berkeley, whither he had gone to put himself under the care of physicians. The
body was brought to Bakersfield and interment was made under the auspices of the
Masonic fraternity, of which he was an honored member. Universal regret was felt
on account of his sudden demise. None knew him but to admire him for his
splendid qualities of mind and heart. It was profoundly felt that in the
upbuilding of the community he, as a member of the bar, ranked with the most
brilliant who ever practiced law in the road San Joaquin Valley. His youngest
son, Rollin, whose career has somewhat resembled his own up to the present date
and who is believed to possess many of his sterling characteristics, was born in
Inyo County, California, September 8, 1880, is a graduate of the Valparaiso Law
School in Indiana in 1909, was admitted to the bar in Indiana and during the
same year in Los Angeles, from which place he returned to Bakersfield to engage
in practice. Elected city attorney in 1911, he is filling the office with such
efficiency that his friends predict for him greater honors and a bright future
in the political world.
* Julia's maiden name was Julia Adaline Lindsay. Julia A. Lindsay's mother
married twice - the second time to a man named Pierce - who raised the Lindsay