Wolfe Cemetery


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Wolfe Cemetery is located in Freedom Twp., IL, East Goergetown Road on the Lower Farm, NE ΒΌ of Section 25, Twp 25 - R5E. The 1893 Plat Map shows this property to be part of the John Laird Estate (The Lanark Exchange StateBank and the Lanark Public Library have copies of the 1893 Plat Map). The present property owner is Dave Shaulis.

The cemetery is no longer in use. It was read by the Carroll Co., Genealogical Society on June 20, 1978 by Mrs. Robert (Priscilla) Mace and Mrs. Vaughn (Pat) Gaar. The listing made on in June, 1978 was copied from a much older reading; information shown within ( ) is all that was found in June 1978.

Jo Ellyn (Laird) Hinds and Linda (Tilson) Davis visited the cemetery on 3/22/2003. The historic information added to this document in March 2003 is shown in square brackets [ ]. Jo Ellyn (Laird) Hinds and Linda (Tilson) Davis are related to the Laird, Beatty, Brotherton, Eshelman, and Yontz families buried in Wolfe cemetery.

Ditworth, Hattie born December 1, 1870, died August 5, 1886
Gill, Elias died February 8, 1885, age 68 years 3 months 28 days
Baxter, Gaby or Baby, son of Thomas and Jane Baxter, died December 1, 1869 age 5 years ?7 (Baby)
Parker, Edith, daughter of T & A. S. Parker, December 16, 1861 - September 17, 1862, age 1 year 6 months and ? days
Parker, Thomas July 25, 1813 - November 5, 1868
Anna S. Wife August 29, 1824 - September 16, 1908
Plumy Daughter March 7, 1845 - October 10, 1876
Three bases in a row; no stones
Willis, Lucy, wife of Nathan Willis died June 2, 1885 age 71 years 10 months 10 days
Nathan husband - stones on ground and broken
Booth, Elizabeth age 40
Tidd, William B. son of J and C Tidd died June 26, 1855 age 2 years 3 months
James H. died October 28, 1855 age 25 years 1 month 15 days
(James H. died 28 October 1855, age 25 years 1 month 15 days)
Mark, Effie Daughter of J. D. (J. S.) and K. M. (E. M.) Mark died September ? 1869
Markers only - F P M E M J M (F P M) (E M)
Miller Francis son of M. F. J. and H. M. Miller born October 9, 1869 died March 16, 1870 (Francis P. son of M. F. and E. R. born 9 July 1869 died 16 March 1876)
Laird, Mary C. or E. daughter of J. and C. C. Laird September 11, 1843 - December 25, 1875 [Mary E. Laird is the daughter of John and Elizabeth (Beatty) Laird]
Brotherton, Eliza C. (V.) died March 7, 1854, age 11 months 11 days
Marshall S. died August 19, 1850; age 3 months 9 days
Children of S. and M. Brotherton
(These Brotherton family stones were still found)
[This is the family of Samuel and Margaret (Pierce) Brotherton. Samuel was born about 1826 in Pennsylvania. He died in March of 1853 in Mt. Carroll, IL. His estate was probated in Mt. Carroll. The records are on Microfiche at the Court House in Mt. Carroll. Margaret (Pierce) Brotherton was born in 1829 in Virginia. Marshall Stephen Castle Brotherton was born May 10, 1850 in Mt. Carroll, IL. Eliza C. Virginia Brotherton was born March 26, 1853 in Mt. Carroll, IL.]
Lighter, "In Memory of John J. Lighter who died August 18, 1845; age 61 years 5 months ?5days"
Stone broken and lying face down.
Laird, Abraham son of John and A. Laird died August 5, 1860; age 1 year 6 months 20 days
Elizabeth B. wife of John Laird died April 13, 1845
[Abraham Laird is the son of John and Christiana (Eshelman) Laird. He was born January 16, 1859 in Freedom Twp., Carroll Co., IL. Elizabeth B. is Elizabeth (Beatty) Laird who was John Laird's first wife.
An original letter dated June 17, 1849 says Elizabeth (Beatty) Laird died in November, 1848. She died of Consumption.]
Ludwick, Elza G. son of S. and J. Ludwick died October 2, 1854; age 1 year 10 months 3 days
Yontz, Samuel June 7, 1801 - May 8, 1882; age 83 years 11 months 1 day
Mary his wife died November 9, 1882; age 75 years 11 months 27 days
Moffett, Garner, January 18, 1807 - October 5, 1856; age 49 years 3 months 17 days [He died from Typhoid Fever]
Wade, Baby daughter of T. J. and M. Wade October 22, 1894 - November 1, 1894
Sutton, Eleanor H. wife of N. Sutton May 5, 1830 - April 2, 1849 [This is Eleanor "Ellen" (Asberry) Sutton. She married Nathaniel Sutton on April 8, 1848.]
Eshelman, Abraham died November 10, 1860; age 66 years 6 months
Abraham, Jr. died August 20, 1853; age 28 years 9 months 25 days
Eliza died ? 15, 1849
[Abraham Eshelman is the father of Christiana Eshelman, the second wife of John Laird]
Brotherton, William died May 7, 1854 (1851); age 56 years 10 months 15 days
"In Memory of Mary G ?? (Ann) Brotherton who died March 1 or 16 (6) 1845; age 5 years 1 month 9 days (5y 1m) [William is the father of Samuel Brotherton, husband of Margaret (Pierce) Brotherton. Mary Ann Brotherton is the sister of Samuel Brotehrton]
Laird, "Sacred to the memory of Joseph Laird who died January 5, 1845 in his 74th year" [Joseph Laird is the father of the John Laird who is also mentioned in this document]
Laird, "Sacred to the memory of Eleanor Laird who died January 21, 1845 in her 67th year" [Eleanor (Morrison) Laird is the wife of Joseph Laird]
Beatty, "Sacred to the memory of John Beatty who departed this life July 27, 1842, aged 75 years [John Beatty is the father of Elizabeth (Beatty) Laird who married John Laird.]